Kadyrov talks about Palestinian children…

Ramzan Kadyrov’s latest statement:

“Almost the entire world does not want to hear the voices of poor Palestinian children – victims of Israeli aggression. Now they are turning to me in the hope of being heard. And what should I answer them? What can we all say to them?

It is heartbreaking to see the cruelty that these children’s eyes are forced to see every day as a result of Israeli shelling. They not only see it, this cruelty, they experience it themselves. Several thousand innocent people became victims of the horrific Zionist act of genocide. No one can say the exact number now. Those who have always hypocritically stood up for human rights do not condemn Israel’s actions at all, but, on the contrary, provide all possible assistance to the aggressor. But what should I tell these children? That NATO, which imagines itself to be the master of the world, always sheds the blood of people all over the planet at any signal from the United States? Will such words console children exhausted from lack of food and water and suffering under bombs? In its cruelty towards Palestine, Israeli fascism today is in no way inferior, if not superior, to Hitler’s.

Praise be to Allah, who sees everything and is quick to calculate. It is for the speedy punishment of Israeli criminals that hundreds of thousands of believers from the Chechen Republic pray to Him in daily Tahajjud prayers. Billions of people of different ages around the world are asking for the same thing. Allah will not leave these prayers unanswered, just like the dua of Muslims. The calculation will be strict and severe – there is no doubt about it!

The regional public fund named after the Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov will, as before, provide all possible assistance to our brothers from Palestine. At this stage, the amount of assistance for 20 thousand families has already been prepared. We, in turn, will firmly resist the servants of Iblis in Ukraine, forcing NATO and other countries to spend their main military and economic potential on a war with us. We will mercilessly send all the minions of these Satanists straight to hell. And may Allah Almighty help us in our struggle!”



Kadyrov is correct…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.