USA loves to send money to countries that slaughter innocents and that is that and that is sick…

Billions and billions and billions of dollars and billions and billions of dollars in weapons to Ukraine to kill people in Donbass since actually around 2008 and really big money showed at 2014. More than cookies huh? Israel gets billions of dollars a year and billions in weapons and now while they slaughter innocents, lets give them billions and billions and billions more of that “USA Blood Money”…

These countries are made in the USA countries…

Well, I don’t like it!


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.