Sitting in Russia, sipping coffee and thinking. (Telegram Messenger – Sucks!)

Good Morning,

First lets complain…

Grandpa’s Nirvana, as I realize it now…

A cup of coffee is the ticket to Nirvana this morning and I do not take that term lightly. I live within the boundaries of relentless pain 24 hours a day. New pain always causes issues until I adjust to those new pains and old pains are just old friends after awhile. The worst thing is old pains that go away, due to some external force, such as maybe a needed pain killer. When said old pain comes back? Ouch…

Therefore, I literally refuse painkillers and refuse to use painkillers as a crutch. No matter how terrible the pain gets. The aftermath is always worse than the temporary relief…

Thus, out of bed I crawl, assessing my pain as I do every morning and when I am done realizing that no new pain is present. It is time for coffee…

Coffee allows me to reach that place, transcend and or garner a spot within this world we live in to create a balance that allows me to move onward for the day. I have reached an understanding that coffee is my whisky…

Grandpa, started every morning with a big shot of whiskey and or whisky, both the same thing, just the name of the label changes. Grandpa drank Old Crow Whiskey…

I do not drink, but I do drink coffee and coffee numbs everything sufficiently to garner the ability to move around against the physical pain of everyday life. Not sure which is worse Coffee or Whiskey?

I do know that Svetochka lives a literal pain free life and when she does have a touch of pain, I stand in amazement at how she reacts to pain. Yet, I realize that she does not live with pain as a daily driver of her life, like I do…

Now as I think, let’s really complain…

I just went round and round with Telegram and my account. This account is not what I desire to have, yet I have to have it to keep up to date with Russian Government stuff. They use this software very very much…

When my Huawei Mate 50 died a terrible sad death…

My Huawei Mate 50 just died a terrible death by an “Evil Charger” and a Mate 60 is the answer…

I almost cried, but little did I know that Telegram (TG) App would be a terrible thing to recover. My phone was the sole TG source of info. They refused to allow me to use a app on another phone unless the dead phone came back to life and approved the action I desired. They did not care. They ignored all attempts and I found ten’s of thousands, if not millions of people screaming about the stupid TG company and no help at all to recover data. Especially in Russia and China…

The only way was to jump through a thousands hoops as if you got a thousand tiny cuts to bleed to death. Really stupid and really not worth it. I came close to telling Telegram to stick it forever. But…

Understand that Telegram has no care to help anyone to get their phone number working again on a new device, unless the old device is available to okay the desire to add a TG APP. My Mate 50 was dead as a door nail, in like fried as a egg and never gonna wake up and approve anything for me. Please Telegram, get your act together. You use to have no issues and now you do…


1. Cannot use old version of Telegram? Nope…
2. Desktop version? Nope cannot approve it (See above dead phone.) to add it! Besides do not want it on my computer!
3. New phone number? Nope they still want to ask a dead phone? Why? Why?
4. Old Phone number approved like originally did by Text? Nope, they tell me to wake up the dead phone and ask it to approve it all!
5. All Telegram options suck, except maybe the one that some people are doing (desperately forced to do) and finding someone from out of the country (Russia and or China) to do a work around? I said to that, “Suck you Telegram!” (add F for S)

Solution: Telegram X
Essentially, Telegram X is an excellent alternative to Telegram which is already a standalone success of an IM app. What ‘X’ offers is better performance …

Telegram X fixed my issue. I remembered a few days after being pissed off by Telegram and deciding to never go back again, about an app that could be better than TG. I installed it and ignored the desire for the app to have Google Love and tried to sign in…

Telegram vs Telegram X is a no brainer for now. Telegram X APK is running circles around the Telegram APK…

It sent me a SMS message and I entered the code and Wallah Wallah Bing Bang, I was back in business with original number and it worked just like the original Telegram. Telegram you suck big ones and should be ashamed. VERY ASHAMED…

Now Telegram says to have a two step and or some other ways to use Telegram, such as another phone set up, a PC set up…

Nope, not gonna do it and when Telegram X ruins it all, like Telegram has done, I will never be back. My life is not ruled by these apps. I will use them if I have to and in this case this is the info that is needed from Russia to find the truth about things all around the Russian Government…

Telegram X worked exactly as the original Telegram app did and while some quirks are still in the developmental issues as it is being expanded. It let me in and NO, I will not install the actual Telegram App. They do not deserve that luxury of being on my phone…

And that is that…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.