Medvedev on the “destruction of the Il-76 plane”…

I think Medvedev says all that needs to be said about the ignorant nasty thing Kiev had done to their own people…

The story of the destruction of the Il-76 plane is the result of the internal political struggle of neo-Nazi elites in Kyiv. Pig war at the trough. Many have already written about this.

Happy memory to our pilots. They are heroes. Ukrainian families did not receive their prisoners from Russia.

It will only get worse: these three-toothed freaks, in order to maintain their power, will easily kill their military personnel and prisoners of war, which they learned in 700 days of the Northern Military District. They will mercilessly bomb their cities and villages, pulverizing their homes and incinerating their elderly and children. There are no restrictions here for the yellow-blooded creatures. After all, the main thing at stake is power and money.


История с уничтожением самолёта Ил-76 – результат внутриполитической борьбы неонацистских элит в Киеве. Война свиней у корыта. Об этом уже многие написали.

Светлая память нашим лётчикам. Они герои. Украинские семьи не дождались из России своих пленных.

Дальше будет только хуже: эти тризубые уродцы для сохранения своей власти будут с лёгкостью убивать своих военнослужащих и военнопленных, чему научились за 700 дней СВО. Будут нещадно бомбить свои города и сёла, стирая в пыль свои дома и испепеляя своих стариков и детей. Тут для жовто-блакитных тварей нет никаких ограничителей. Ведь на карту поставлено главное – власть и деньги.



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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.