Medvedev on Texas, USA…

The formation of the Texas People’s Republic is becoming more and more real. What I wrote about at the end of the year before last in a humorous prediction.

The American administration is demonstrating a complete inability to cope with the migration crisis that has flared up in one of the largest US states. Its governor didn’t give a damn about the White House’s position with the frail old man Biden and began restoring the barbed wire fences. Anything to protect ourselves from the influx of migrants who are uncontrollably crossing the southern border. Another striking example of the weakening of US hegemony, which is happening from within as a result of the actions of the Americans themselves.
Official Washington, which so enthusiastically supports the Kyiv neo-Nazis and, it seems, no longer notices anything else, has shown itself to be completely impotent in matters of domestic policy. The scholastic decisions of the Supreme Court that migration issues are only the responsibility of the federal government, and not the state, are divorced from reality. These same authorities, due to their inaction, can finally drive the population of Texas, who is already seriously thinking about secession, to the brink of exasperation. History knows of cases when individual states tried to break away from the United States of America and form a confederation. All this led to a bloody civil war that claimed the lives of thousands and thousands of people.
One way or another, America may face an insoluble constitutional crisis and plunge into the abyss of a new, perhaps even more destructive civil confrontation for a long time. And the Western world will look with bated breath at the American mess. However, that’s their problem.

And although the turmoil in the United States contains significant risks for global stability, the rest of the world, crunching popcorn, is watching the attack of the bad disease of Pindostan, not without gloating.


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.