Ukraine Was Beautiful and Fun…

Sveta and I just got back from a visa trip to Ukraine. I have got to say that Ukraine is looking better every time that I go there, since the new president has taken over office…

Now Sveta and I forgot to take any real cameras so you have to live with the cheap cell phone camera that I had. But it worked and we have lots of memory pictures…

Sveta and I walked all over Kiev and found several coffee shops that had wonderful coffee and tea. It was cold and brisk so these shops were a help to stay warm. I found the coffee kiosks everywhere to be a good thing also in Kiev…

Kiev just felt great and the Cave Monastery that we visited was once again a trip that was priceless. The caves underground were wonderful and we spent a good hour walking around underground studying saints. I was able to get my 2011 calendar from the Monastery and we got some lamp oil to burn in our oil lamp…

I have a strange quirk about only using a Orthodox calendar from the Kiev Cave Monasteries! (Pechersk Lavra)… 🙂

Enjoy the pictures. Kiev, Ukraine is really a treat to visit and is very safe to wander aimlessly…