Wonder why the USA blew up Nord Stream 2? I gave the reasons in August 12, 2020…

When they finish this pipeline it will be a turning point in the world. This is a very important issue and it must be done. When done the US is done and the future will change. That is why the US is so scared of this pipeline. There are many unheard business issues being started as fires by the USA, during the last few years, world issues like Huawei that are also a turning point right now. Once all these little fires get under control, the US will be isolated and left in the dark…

Fires: Nord Stream 2 project will be finished and Qualcomm’s crown being destroyed…

So there you have it. The USA had no choice but to do what they did. As with all a screaming dying lying crying Empire does, means nothing but delay in the inevitable of it’s death…

Yet it seems that human trait of staying alive no matter what is also found in the Empire of Chaos?

I know, dear Western World, look at this all as quicksand and realize that the more you struggle the faster you sink. Yet sink you will, unless you want that noose you put around your neck to be used to pull you out?

Destroying international infrastructure is a sin against humanity and very big sin and it seems now that since the USA blew up the Nord Stream 2, sins have gone into overdrive that the Empire is committing…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.