From Russia: Ukraine signs gas monitoring deal!


Just a few minutes ago: Ukraine has signed a deal allowing international monitors to check the flow of gas through its territory. Earlier on Saturday, representatives of Russia and the EU signed the document. The Czech Prime Minister, Mirek Topolanek, said the agreement clears the way for the resumption of gas supplies to Europe.

Get that gas flow going…..

We all know that Ukraine didn’t just start stealing Russian gas yesterday. It’s something they’ve been doing for many years. Kiev benefit from it and now that monitors are in place, Ukraine will have to work honestly and transparently.

I think that this is going to be hard for Kiev to accept and now the battle of gas price comes to the forefront. Gazprom has ignored the contract and price issue just to get Ukraine to turn the gas back on. Now that monitors are in place, Ukraine can not play games when they haggle over price and past due bills.

Kyle & Svet

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