I am keeping a running account of how this “Western Situation” that attacks the Russian Orthodoxy is going… “” According to Tatarintsev, the prayer used to bless a weapon goes back to the Middle Ages. It places a personal spiritual responsibility on its wielder not to misuse it for evil ends. “Military offenses such as […]
Control over the implemented situational plan has been achieved. The majority of the area occupied by the enemy has already been totally cordoned off, with many Mercenaries trapped like animals that they are. The enemy is being driven out, but for the most part death is their way out and the villages where they position […]
It is terrorism by the West… WtR
Russian then English Курская область. Военнослужащие полка «АХМАТ-Чечня» МО РФ под руководством дорогого БРАТА Асламбека Салиева, совместно с 810-й отдельной гвардейской бригадой морской пехоты уничтожили колонну укронатовской техники вместе с личным составом. Уцелевшие были заблокированы недалеко от места боевого соприкосновения. Думаю всем уже понятна их дальнейшая судьба. ⠀ Судя по всему боевики пытались организовать подвоз […]
Intel 8265ngw a chip that allows your laptop to have WiFi internally and usually a separate chip replaceable (and you will replace it), but they even build this disaster of a chip into a motherboard. Talk about sadistic… I can buy brand new 8265 chips all day long for under 400 rubles or about $4.50. […]
Mark my words… WtR
The murdering of “civilian” targets by Israel, as in the latest bombing a school of children and women, represent an overwhelming challenge to understand if you are a normal decent person… 1st – To an Israeli, Gazans are not humans and should be culled like animals… 2nd – Israel as the West illegally created, is […]
Sukhoi Su-34 will be the master of the sky… WtR
Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (3–9 August 2024) From 3 to 9 August 2024, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out 19 group strikes by high-precision weapons and attack unmanned aerial vehicles to hit: Ukrainian defence industry and relevant energy industry facilities, airfield infrastructure, air defence […]