OpenAI says it has found evidence that Chinese LOL 😂 Wahhhh… 😭 What can you say? The West is a retarded society! WtR More data to look at about DeepSeek R1. (Go China Go!) Yesterday, American journalist Tucker Carlson said that the Biden administration “tried to kill Putin.” This was proposed by former US Secretary of State Blinken. A day passed. Everyone is silent. Neither Biden nor Blinken denied the statements. The preparation of an assassination attempt on Putin, the very discussion of it , is a crime […]
Translate and read… Donald Trump is nothing in that spent division on the left and right. He is the pinnacle of the spectacle society. Every sentence of his is spectacular. After this, the spectacle society can embark on an accelerated decline. And that’s his main role… Accurate… WtR
Really should read… ASPI’s Critical Technology Tracker website These new results reveal the stunning shift in research leadership over the past two decades towards large economies in the Indo-Pacific, led by China’s exceptional gains. The US led in 60 of 64 technologies in the five years from 2003 to 2007, but in the most […]
WtR Ворота лагеря смерти Освенцим-Биркенау открыли воины-красноармейцы. Они принесли жизнь и свободу тем, кому было суждено обязательно умереть. Русские солдаты, которых выжившие узники, собственно, и назвали тогда “медведями” (за рост и спокойную молчаливость) отдали несчастным свою еду и поделились теплыми вещами. А потом позвали санинструкторов, из тех, кто был под рукой, и начали делать то, […]
Updated with two new links from TASS and Gagadget and now just search and find the complete media has grabbed this happening of world shaking importance… BRUSSELS, January 28. /TASS/. The European Union can include Sony’s PlayStation and Microsoft’s Xbox gaming consoles in the 16th package of sanctions against Russia, Financial Times reported referring to […]
So far: It snows and it melts. It snows and it melts…exactly like a Midwestern Winter in the USA as I grew up. Except I do not know what the Midwest winter is like now. I have been in Russia for 19 years… But it snows and then it melts and it snows and it […]
Falling farther and farther behind, so they just bully. But bullying has a limited lifespan… While the West bullied: Russia outgunned and China out produced! They say amongst many things that this is all a communist campaign by China to spread rumors and misinformation within the innocents in the West. It’s why they constantly try […] As of a few days ago, only the nerdiest of nerds (I say this as one) had ever heard of DeepSeek, a Chinese AI subsidiary of the equally evocatively named High-Flyer Capital Management, a quantitative analysis (or quant) firm that initially launched in 2015. hmm… Advanced large language model DeepSeek R1 is taking […]