To vote for the the less evil, is simply being a vote for evil. Evil is evil, no less or more than any other evil… Great way to elect someone… ~~ My candidate is less evil than your candidate. ~~ Yippy Zippy… WtR
In the West, everyone wants their share of the Syrian pie. Nevertheless, there is not enough (Never is, is there?) to feed the greedy evil. So there will have to be a fight and more fights and etc. That is why I said not to celebrate the enfranchisement by Western backed terrorists too soon. Unfortunately, […]
So the issue is that Alternate Media in the West is now just as pathetic as Main Stream Media… Grab the comment section of a site and look at the psychos at play and realize that no one cares and the owners of the sites either let this trash run amok or get shut down […]
To all that Western Media lies about Russia’s Admiral Nakhimov nuclear cruiser and being delayed… Running sea trials as you read this… She is ready baby! (and armed to the teeth)… WtR
Prime Minister of Syria is now known to be the top sold soul and thus fell Assad… Syrian Generals sold out for greenbacks… It was a very good carrot to keep the jackass moving towards it’s inevitable collapse of the chaotic res publica… Assad and family safe and sound… Syria had a controlled demolition and […]
Very Good! Бывший президент Сирии Башар Асад вместе с семьей находится в Москве, где ему предоставлено убежище по гуманитарным соображениям, сообщил источник в Кремле. Бывший президент Сирии Башар Асад прибыл в Москву с семьей и получил убежище в России, пишет ТАСС. Источник в Кремле подтвердил, что решение было принято по гуманитарным соображениям. «Асад с членами […]
and… Cold snowy ❄️ 🥶 day and we walked deep into the woods to feed our chickadees in what we call, Chickadee Valley… This year we are putting out sunflower seeds and peanuts. We have a huge populace of Chickadees now in our deep woods feeding refuge… WtR
Syria? (This is gonna keep simpleton alternate media busy making up stories!) Makes you wonder… Update: Syrian Army sold out and turn-coated. It is what it is and we shall see who the highest bidder was to pay the military off. Now where is Assad and it seems his family is in Moscow? So it […]
Just keep watching and wonder at the play of countries and really wonder at who is behind what??? A bunch of foolish looking spouting fools out there in media land right now… Amazing and Why? (The why is that powers way above our pay grade are at work right now and what we think is […]
As Russia completes its SMO in Ukraine, the Empire of Lies and Chaos has just made a desperate move by blindly reaching into a “bag of snakes”… Since the Empire’s internal and exterior fissures are widening every day, the change of leadership coming will be interesting. The big spectacle goes on until—well—it doesn’t, and yes, […]