📚The poems of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, whose 225th birthday is celebrated on June 6, are read and loved everywhere! VID_20240606_112101_036.mp4 Children and students studying Russian from Azerbaijan🇦🇿, India🇮🇳, Vietnam🇻🇳, Kyrgyzstan🇰🇬 and Yemen🇾🇪 took part in the project “Pushkin – creativity without borders”, organized by the directorate “Ulyanovsk-Literary City of UNESCO”. WtR
Yesterday, the President of Russia for the first time allowed the sending of our weapons to regions that are at war with states that supply weapons to Ukraine (or rather, these weapons are used throughout our country). In other words, those forces that are in conflict with America and NATO countries. This is a very […]
Big interview and not sure if Kremlin will put in English? 🎙 Из ответов Президента России В.В.Путина на вопросы в ходе встречи с руководителями международных информагентств (Санкт-Петербург, 5 июня 2024 года) http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/74223 Об отношениях с США 💬 В.В.Путин: По большому счёту нам всё равно [кто станет следующим Президентом США]. Потому что и господин Трамп, которого […]
Just me mowing… WtR
(Interesting thing happened with the video, the phone tried to follow the dump bed as it dumped the gravel. You will see the rocking motion. Interesting.) Some TRV (Tiny Russian Village) videos and pictures… Then our culvert pipe showed up in TRV… But along came the Covid-19 shutdown and our culvert got stuck in limbo… […]
While Moscow has no intention of “invading” Europe, it will consider retaliating against the US and its allies for providing Kiev with long-range missiles by supplying adversaries of the West with similar weapons in “sensitive” areas, Putin said.” Pay attention… WtR
“Look, someone has imagined that Russia wants to attack NATO. Have you gone completely insane? Are you as thick as this table? Who came up with this nonsense, this bulls**t?” Putin said. I guess Russia is really getting fed up with the Western bulls**t and even Putin says so… Gotta love it and I really […]
JUNE 5, 2024 7:04 PM CET BY PIERRE EMMANUEL NGENDAKUMANA German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has said his country must prepare for war because of increasing Russian threats. “We must be ready for war by 2029,” news magazine Der Spiegel quoted Pistorius as saying in the German parliament on Wednesday. His comments come amid heightened fears among European countries, […]
America’s global hegemony is based on the petrodollar system and the Russo-Ukraine war is rapidly bringing that system to an end. The end of the petrodollar will be the end of the world order as we have known it since 1945. Though the U.S. petrodollar system is perhaps the most important economic structure in the […]
The United States keeps talking about in order to achieve peace in Ukraine the West needs to transfer more and more and more weapons to Ukraine and hold out longer than the Russian Federation. This same mindset seems to be what they do in Israel at the same time, this as Israel genocides Gazans. Thus, […]