The United Nations gathered in a meeting and hashed out a statement about the sinking of the South Korean ship Cheonan. What was expressed as the result did not meet America’s and South Korea’s expectations about the situation. It fell short of making a conclusion that extradited North Korea into the situation. North Korea was […]
* It is widely believed in Russia that sitting on cold surfaces, such as rocks or even the ground, is not simply taboo for a woman, but it is extremely hazardous to her health and inhibits her ability to bear children. It is a practice that is rigorously upheld, especially in cold weather and with […]
Image via Wikipedia Is Ukraine capable of convincing Russia that the days of stealing and playing games with European gas are over? That is a billion dollar question to Ukraine and before the new president came on board. Ukraine had an old president and prime minister that were bound and determined to destroy Ukraine. Without […]
I just have to do a small article on this because it really makes me realize how stupid the whole situation was how many games where played by powers to be. This is being called by Western News as “In the tradition of the Cold War!” Doesn’t that make you all excited and nostalgic? So […]
Having had numerous heart attacks, I find information like this interesting. I am one for new ideas and in this case a 10 year old idea that might be worth checking into. The video explains it…