Boza and I walk and we walk a lot. I have to walk, because of my heart attacks. It helps keep me going and I feel the good of walking inside of me. Boza just associates walking with fun and happiness, walking is good for him to. Well, Boza has been watching me take pictures of birds and those birds are always up in the air most of the time. Either flying around or sitting on roofs, telephone lines and limbs of trees. This morning Boza took to pointing birds out for me to look at…
He spent the walk staring at the trees, power lines and roofs. When he saw a bird, he would stop and point at it, which meant that he did nothing but try to point at birds. At least until we got into the fields and there were many less birds. That did not stop the pointing, for in the fields are birds also and they were usually pointing at Boza to, as they tried to lead him away from their nests in the grass. So that was a treat for my eyes to watch Boza pointing at a bird and the bird hovering right above his head, trying to entice him to chase it as it flew away from the nesting sight, but Boza was doing his new job and stood there. The birds would get upset at the two of us, so we moved on quickly…
This bird watching by Boza is a mimic of me and it has been interesting to see such actions in play as Boza and I live together with very little outside interference. Boza is watching me and what makes me happy is what he tries to do also. Just as in the yard this morning, Boza ran around for 20 minutes trying to gather the baby birds and make sure they are all there. It is not possible for him to corral them, but being a part German Shepard, he can not help doing just that. They are his flock to watch and protect. Boza finally gave up and laid down to sleep, as the little monster birds, danced in the trees above him, occasionally dropping twigs and leaves on him. Boza would just look up and see his little friends and I swear he would smile at them… 🙂
* * * * * * * * * *
It really is a miracle here in the Russian Village, I watch today as people walk up the hill to the monastery, at last count about 78 people have shown up. It must be “another” Orthodox holiday and believe you me there are a bunch of church holidays in Russia. Though that is not the miracle; the miracle is how I am healing! My feet have become complete healed and they were in bad shape. I had deep splits and many times fought with bleeding soles. Now my skin on my feet is smooth and normal. The transformation is just stunning and for this diabetic, that is great news. The feeling has actually begun to come back in the shins of my legs as I heal. My legs are not nearly as numb from diabetes as they have been in the past. I also am breathing better and I do not have stomach issues, nor fever, as I had in Moscow…
In Moscow, I ran a terrible fever many times and had sever gastric issues. It was a continual cycle and never ended, except when I cam to the village, but then it was only short lived cure in the old days. Now that I am here in the village for a length of time, all that I have dealt with and suffered from has left me, except…
Arthritis; I have found that the alleviation of all else that was wrong with me, allowed my arthritis to come forefront and focal pointed to the detriment. In fact it has worsened and I see that others here have the same issue. While we have a lack of many illnesses, arthritis rules the roost and that sucks at times…
I know that it is no worse than in the past, but since other pains have left, arthritis has demanded more attention. An example is my thumbs, they are both equal in sever pain and as I use them, I have found myself almost dropping items as the pain cripples my hold on tools. I have compensated and started to adjust how I use tools and such, but that is not a good answer to the issue…
It is my fault for in my past, I have broken my hands up badly from fights to accidents. We live with the bed we make…
But as far as issues that I have dealt with for years in Moscow, I do not have those issues in the village; and that my friend is a miracle to me, for when arthritis is my main complaint, then things have gotten a thousand times better and life is a breeze on a summer day…
* * * * * * * * * *
- Rasberries and yummy…
- Just because I love it…
- Boza worries about me and getting his ball…
- One of the Monks…
- A Russian family…
- Bird bath…
- I call it; Kissing Ravens…
- The side yard is almost cleaned…
In the images above; I would like to draw attention to the image of the Russian family above and below…
They are Russia and Russia is a wonderful family orientated society…
Have a nice day…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…