Drying Wild Strawberries…

Sveta hinted to me, maybe trying to dry some wild strawberries for her and her mother, to use in tea. Since Sveta will not be here in the village until way after strawberry season ends and cannot get her own. Therefore, Boza and I went out around noon today, after nailing the door shut on the bell tower (Here,) and picked some wild strawberries. I found that no one but no one, found a big patch of strawberries and believe you me, they stripped the rest of the huge field; (There has been a hundred people all over the fields the last few days.) I am going to act like they will be there tomorrow morning and be happy with the handful I picked today. Noon was a bad time to go, for the horseflies wanted me bad and they even tried to eat Boza…

There has to be gallons of these tasty treats left to pick (in my spot) and more coming…


Now I am experimenting with our dehydrator and tomorrow we will see if it is worth picking more wild strawberries, with the devils own flying demons protecting the fields from Boza and I…


I also have read up about dried wild strawberry leaves for a wonderfully healthy tea. I am picking them tomorrow and see how the dehydrator works with that. I understand that the leaves have to be either fresh or completely dry and not wilted (otherwise in between is bad.) I will dry them, then zip lock bag them and have it for Sveta when she shows up?

Plenty of leaves left no matter what and right now plenty of fresh strawberries also…

Have a nice day, for we sure will…

Post by Kyle Keeton
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