- Shashlik on the grill
- Boza says, “See Mom, No Bridge!”
- Geese are a coming…
Oh my the shashlik was so good. The first of the year and a great treat for ending a long winter. As you see spring is here, but we still are struggling with cold and snow. But yesterday, Sveta saw a mosquito and I heard frogs croaking this morning, as Boza chased ducks and I sat and watched and listened to all the new wildlife showing up as it gets warmer everyday…
When Sveta is here, I have to endure sneak camera attacks as I work around the home…
Every time I do something, there is a little sneaky girl taking pictures. Oh well, that is life, just as everything else goes with it all as a big merry-go-round…
Yes the shashlik was excellent and we ate every last bite. I also grilled eggplant and it was good that way to. The sun was shining and it warmed the air enough to make eating outside comfortable, as long as you were bundled up. Or in my case my hooded sweatshirt fit the bill perfect. Sveta had on a winter coat, some of “my” warmest pants, long underware and most likely three or four shirts on also. She looked like a little Eskimo to me, but she warmed up quick and was happy as a bug in a rug to eat chicken shashlik… (So was Boza!)
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Last night we watched a movie on the computer called Tomorrowland, it was okay , but I had to endure another attack with my extremely spastic right kidney and back. The damage done passing a stone was probably not good and I did pass blood, enough to know that I was not having fun… 😉 You see I ended up passing it all the way to the outer world and it got rough. It was a big stone…
So I ended up taking another round of Nise and when it finally kicked in, I passed out. Thank god for Nise!
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I find life interesting and experiences like a kidney stone do not make life terrible, it makes life more precious after it is all over. There is something about the relief of the fact that you are going to live, even when you know the pain will not kill you, the relief of that pain is very important mentally and makes life so much more precious…
But I do admit that while the stone is passing, life kinda sucks for awhile…
We are going to try the Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment…
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Sunday we leave to go back to Moscow. I will be in Moscow about two to three weeks and during that time, I will be getting medical issues dealt with, passport issues dealt with and spending time with Svetochka my sweetie pie…
Today I am going to finish up around the yard outside and make sure that everything is safe to leave for awhile. It looks to be an okay day. Sunny sometimes and rainy some other times. Might be a good day to do another shashlik. I have plenty of chicken and Svetochka loves shashlik…