Good Morning: Coffee is delicious…

coffee-to-enjoyI took my cup of coffee and sat overlooking the lake this morning. I got up at 5:30 a.m. and felt good! Therefore, to celebrate, I watched nature and her bringing spring to us. Boza chased a fox, while I sat quietly and listened. After Boza calmed down and came back to his guard duty next to me; we started to notice things…

One an upset fox on the other side of the lake was whining, a huge tree behind us, was ram packed full of sparrows another tree farther over had as many chickadees and the ravens were gathered and talking about something in a very urgent tone…

Then…. The world got quiet…

From high up came a shrill and then one more from a little farther over. I saw the ravens almost lay flat on the ground and out of the clouds came the demon of last summer. The devil herself is back…

Mamma Eagle and Papa Eagle have come back last night and they are expressing their control over their domain this morning. The two huge trees full of tiny birds were still as church mice and the ravens became lumps of dirt and hoped that they were convincing. Down flew mamma and she swooped over the ravens, obviously they failed in hiding and shrilled at them. They were smart and stayed silent and still. The little birds all watched and I could swear that I could see thousands of eyes as big as silver dollars, watching the eagles from the big trees. Then I heard a yelp and the fox decided that he had better places to be, than attract attention from the eagles…

Boza and I sat and watched as the eagles swooped and soared above the lake at this point and they were playing rolls and dives as if it was a game. The ravens started to make small noises among themselves and I imagined that it was a pow wow to discuss this new arrangement in the Tiny Russian Village…

Boza barked then at Mamma Eagle and she swooped over us. I shook my stick at her and I swear she realized who we were. No shrill just climbing into the clouds. Ignoring the ruffians of the village (That is us!) Then in a minute, she did something I have never seen before and she landed on the top of the bell tower…

After a minute or so, with Papa Eagle circling above. She literally screamed a shrilling but beautiful, but without a doubt a warning to all. It echoed off the woods nearby and you could have heard a pin drop at that point…

Boza looked at me as if to say, “What about that noisy thing?”

I said out loud to him, “We leave her alone and she leaves us alone!”

With that Boza went down the hill to smell where the fox had been hiding…

As mamma eagle left the tower and her and papa flew in ever increasing circles and disappeared out of sight and mind, I watched twelve ravens detach themselves from the ground, from which they had become a very solid part of it and the communication became earnest and urgent again…

The trees full of little birds exploded with beautiful music again and the ravens made beelines to the forest where they have their nests. I am sure that there will many discussions today about the best way to handle the situation…

For the Queen has come back home after vacationing in the south and her servants must now get back in their pecking order to have peace in the valley, the hills and forests; where the Tiny Russian Village is located…

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The fact Mamma Eagle is back, is the sign that spring is definable here and I looked around this morning and saw little green shoots of grass trying to make their way through the dead weeds and stuff. Yes spring is trying to spring and hopefully Mamma eagle brought it with her when she came home…

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Politics could not ruin this morning if they even tried harder and all I will say is this, “Hillary will be the next president of the USA!” That matters not what you think and who you think should be president, she is on her way and they will do their best to cheat, lie and kill to get her to that spot. Are you able to stop her? Or do you like her? Or do you even care?

Kings and Queens must keep their kingdoms in order and you do what you must to keep it that way or if you get in the way. Trump and other GOP are just smoke to spread the fire thin…

Have fun, for more will die before then…

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I wired the outside lights to a breaker box yesterday. I now have 80% of the yard with lights on it and this will allow me to get much more work done. I felt terrible yesterday from fighting with my blood sugar issues, but I forced myself to concentrate and get a major job finished. I am glad I did and today, I feel good after looking over what I did yesterday. It works and works good. Now just one more outside light to buy and we will have the ability to work around the house all night if need be…

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For breakfast, I fried the last of the ground meat I bought the other day and fried two eggs in the grease left over. A touch of salt and I had a wonderful breakfast. It is the little things in life that make all a-okay. I just miss the bread… 🙁 but feel better without it… 🙂

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Little things are the real soul of life and we have forgotten that as we clamber for bigger and better things everyday of our life…

I went and got water and did not have to break the surface of the well to get water. That is a blessing…

Mamma Eagle is back and that is a blessing…

I feel good, Boza is happy and strong and Svetochka is happy. that is a blessing…

The sun is trying to come out from behind the clouds and…

That is and all above, are blessings. In a world that we should be thankful for what we have and are allowed to have by nature daily…