I woke at 3:30 a.m. and I was not sure what was wrong. I grabbed the sugar monitor and took a reading. My blood sugar was at Mild Hypoglycemia! (3.0 mmol/l or 54 mg/dl for Americans… Kinda too low…)
I woke with a headache and shaking. I was having a wild dream and was startled awake. Then after a minute, I realized something was wrong. I keep several candies next to the bed for such a reason. I have been diabetic for many years and it has been a serious battle at times. but, I have now lost so much weight that I have to start adjusting my medicine…
I know people will say that you have to go to a doctor and only a doctor understands and has the knowledge to take care of things like this. I wish that was true and I would be happy to trust doctors all the time, but I have dealt with this issue so long, that a doctor just shoots into the dark trying to help…
Best advice I ever heard is; “Check your blood sugar and check it often!” by Wilford Brimley; he is correct, even if it was for an insurance company. Liberty Mutual? I think…
I had one good doctor in America that diagnosed my diabetes and he cared so much that he even came to my place of work several times to check on me. I scared him at the doctors office the day that we did the test for it. I drank the super glucose stuff and literally passed out. Readings off the scale and they panicked as I set in the waiting room. He was good and spent the time to teach me what I needed to know. Sadly he died soon after, but I have been thankful for all the time he spent off the clock to be a friend to help me. Not many doctors like that anymore…
Since that time, I found doctors in America lacking and never caring too much about my condition. It seems that so many people are diabetic in America, that the doctors are becoming blind to the overabundance of cases. That is just my hindsight with America. You may be happy as a pig in a mud waller, but I was a grouchy pig in that mud waller…
Russian doctors are very caring, but simply only less knowledgeable as American doctors in modern diabetes and since there are many less diabetics in Russia than in America, the doctors here have very old fashion Soviet ways to deal with it. Well I found that I had to deal with it and keep abreast of it. I read constantly and discover any new issues with the condition…
Therefore, now I use a combination of what I was told in America, in Russia and what I find on the internet. It works 95% of the time, but lately since I have really lost weight, my struggle has been to adjust at the proper pace. It is a good thing and I suspect that soon I will be able to be on minimum dosages of medicine…
Just makes it hard until I find that new plateau and go from there…
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Boza has gotten an eye infection and I am having to do what I did last year for him. I use old black tea and wash his eye out. This is what is recommended and it works. Boza gets rambunctious and tries to dig up the world as he smells little animals burrowing in the ground. Then he gets dirt, seeds and grasses in his eyes and we go around and around. He will not listen to me to stop digging and I just save a cup of tea everyday to wash his eyes out if need be… ;
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- Where I bought my meat…
- Our bridge is drowning…
- Plowed?
- Plowed so nice?
Images above are just a few that I took with the cellphone. I use the phone because it is waterproof and as you see it is very wet and rainy. So we get what we get, until I could possibly find something like a special waterproof camera. Just too expensive and my phone does the job…
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Coffee this morning is really good. Nescafe is the best coffee there is. There are many that come close, but Nescafe has a slight nutty taste and is mild. That just seems to be the best for my taste buds…
I feel bad that I am not with Svetochka, it is International Women’s day tomorrow and here I am in the village and she is in Moscow. She said last night she was bored and I think she maybe wishes she was here in the village. For the village is never boring and never dull…
Do not forget the holiday tomorrow, it is just not Mother’s Day, it is Women’s Day…
Big difference and since it includes all women, you have a much higher chance of getting in trouble. The odds are you mom is already knows you forget holidays, but a less forgiving woman is more the norm. they are not your mom and get them a rose or two…
Yes this was a four day holiday for Russia. Very important!
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Have a nice day, Boza and I will go walk and see what the world is up to. It looks terrible out, but the snow is melting and that is a good thing…