In Russia – I Hit My Head On This and Fell Down on that, One Night While Walking the Dog!

I was thinking this morning while drinking my morning cup of coffee that Russia has one area that is so different than the America that I came from.

The pictures above are just two examples out of millions in Russia that are in your way during normal travel by foot!

As you see the first picture is a pathway that runs under a series of rug hanging bars. These bars are about 5′ 10″ above the ground. Now that is a fine height for Babushkas that use these bars to hang rugs on to air then out and knock the dust out of them. But for a 6′ 3″ guy like me they are 5 inches too short. It is bad enough that you have one of them but we have to have three bars in the row. They wanna get you! So in the middle of the night, no moon, storm a brewing, while walking the dog and no lights – I went crack the ol noggin…

The second picture is a steel braided cable. Buried deep in the ground except for a nice perfect loop sticking out of the ground! I was walking the dog in the dark near the new flat and this cable just jumped up and tripped me. Boza came over and licked my face and made it all better…

The problem is that cable could be buried 20 feet deep. It is not going anywhere and it also is located near the playground…. (No law suit here – just watch your step)

That is what I love about Russia and I would not want it any other way.

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