Lets talk GMO foods…. and Russia…

[contentcards url=”https://www.rt.com/business/403932-russia-organic-food-export-gmo/”]

I was sent a link about a week ago…

It is a link that I have been looking at. By that I mean, it is a subject I have been watching for awhile…. It is about GMO foods… (genetically modified organism)…. Sounds terrible, no wonder they prefer GMO…

Being almost a geneticists by degree. I find interests in such things as GMO’s and why we would want to eat them?

[contentcards url=”http://responsibletechnology.org/10-reasons-to-avoid-gmos/”]

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM)
Urges doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients. They cite animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Human studies show how genetically modified (GM) food can leave material behind inside us, possibly causing long-term problems. Genes inserted into GM soy, for example, can transfer into the DNA of bacteria living inside us, and that the toxic insecticide produced by GM corn was found in the blood of pregnant women and their unborn fetuses.

I am not going to tell you not to eat them…

We all will, even in Russia, eat some GMO food. I will tell you that in the west, you are just about being fed nothing but GMO foods and unless you spend more money and unless you work at getting your food from sources that you know are GMO free. You will be eating a bunch of GMO, now, later and always…

Russia is looking to end such a practice. The fact is Russian doctors and their administrators in the upper echelon are dead set against such foods and they have lots of good reasons to believe such food is bad for you in the long run…

Since I have been in Russia for almost eleven years…

The Russian health department in the government is very sensitive and helpful to the citizens of Russia. maybe old fashion at times, but they have the health of their people in mind. Now the people seem to have affections for items that hurt them, such as vodka and salo, but it is not because the government does not try…. The people come first in Russia and that is that…

I will tell you that Sveta and I will not knowingly eat GMO products…

Now when I travel to Europe and eat out, I have little to say about such things, but in Russia it is easy to know what is GMO and what is not GMO. GMO is banned in Russia and even in the largest store around, I am able to get carrots, apples and such GMO free. In fact potatoes and carrots are sold with the dirt still on them everywhere. They dig them up shake them off and sell them. You buy some dirt in the weight, but really that is a small price to pay for food grown in the villages and sold to us in Moscow…

In the Tiny Russian Villages, you just go to the neighbor who grows an abundance of potatoes (as example) and barter for a bag of potatoes. In Moscow, just go to the street corner and you most likely will find a truck selling all the fresh potatoes you could ever want. They go to the villages and load up daily…

The Big Village that I talk about near our Tiny Russian Village is a perfect example of a village of 10,000 people that all families literally have huge garden patches growing potatoes, GMO free and anyone can get them. No one has so many rules and regulations that stop and forbid buying food that is good for you. Besides Russians could careless about the rules anyway. Good food is good food and damn to all, you get good food…

Moscow people have dachas that they grow their favorite veggies and if not, you go to friends in the villages and or family…

I base it on this…

The fact is the west refuses to classify GMO foods as good or bad, other words; GMO foods cannot be generalized as either healthy or unhealthy. And that is where it stands and most likely will for many years…. If not forever, if the Monsanto’s have their way…

I grew up on GMO free food and found myself in a world that slipped GMO foods into the mainstream and really never said anything to anyone. They did it because, people would complain and get upset. It was just slid in on home base and we ate them unknowingly for a long time…

An email that I received: I hope they do not mind me posting it?

The essence of non-GMO is it’s complete lack of food safety. One look at it and you know it’s good. The food safety experts can’t comprehend an egg from a healthy chicken will last for a month in an non refrigerated cellar. Now that chicken needs to eat bugs, grass and such, gets lots of water, sun and exercise. A bit of simple animal husbandry love or empathy goes a long way too. As such it won’t need the antibiotics and hormones that are causing our children to hit puberty at 8 or earlier. Of course that’s but one example. Heaven forbid an diary inspector from Missouri travel to Odessa (Ukraine, for there is an Odessa in Missouri…) and see the people sampling the non refrigerated tvorok on open tables exposed to people, bugs and all kind of stuff. (We both know that tvorok (cottage cheese) is a little piece of heaven on earth and the best way to extend the healthy life of the dairy product, not to mention providing it’s consumers with a plethora of probiotics and it purveyors with desperately needed income.)

The email came from a farmer by birth and raised as a farmer. He had to leave the farm to survive as most of us have had to do, but he still helps his dad and mom on the farm when he can…

Eat GMO!

I could careless. But, I do know that to eat a better product is better for you. Genetics is a fantastic science and helps us to progress in the world. But some things in genetics should be treated with care and caution…

Nothing beats Vova’s chicken, pork and rabbits, all hand raised and hand fed. They run free, they eat tons of good food and they have a good life. Besides Boza loves to chase them when he can find them. He also thinks they might make good eating, given a chance at a bite or two… 😉

Money should not be the driving factor to advancement in the first place and GMO’s are driven by money. Not care, morals, truth, health and or consideration of the subject at hand…. Just the dollars, control and power to be made/had at the bottom line of that corporate spreadsheet…

I thank Russia for keeping the GMO foods in a truthful light. I know what can happen and it will happen. Russia wants to become the kings of non GMO food and I hope that they do. The world needs a good source of GMO free foods and Russia has the ability to supply such foods…

Another reason I love Russia…


[contentcards url=”http://www.dictionary.com/browse/gmo”]

Really they sound terrible and can not be healthy… lets add a gene that does not belong to this potato and feed it to the masses… Okay…