- Fixing neighbors fence, before we leave…
- On the road…
- Eating lunch…
- Checking car…
- Full and sleepy…
- Checking rear end oil…
- Someone is sleeping again…
- Russian highways are good…
We got home safe and sound. Maybe missing some mental capacity? For Moscow is hell on wheels with all the idiots driving around. I have talked about Moscow and her drivers many times and it never changes…. Moscow drivers simply suck…
I checked the rear end for fluid loss and we were doing okay. We used some stop leak that Svetochka brought from Moscow and it got us home. We have to think about what we will do with the rear axle. If the stop leak gets us through the winter and until money frees up, then we will be okay. We seem to be in the situation to look for a rear end for a Volga 3110 type car. Or at least the ring and pinion from one. New is just too expensive…
Oh how we wish to be rich and install a limited slip differential. That would show the village roads who is boss… 😉
We found a small lake along the roads as we drove and since it was time to do Boza’s eyes and we were hungry, we stopped and picnicked…. It was perfect, I laid a coat down for Svetochka to sit on, we had sliced salami, homemade chicken salad, crackers, tortilla wraps, sliced cucumbers, cookies and hot tea to drink…
Svetochka was in heaven, Boza was hungry and I was grouchy. But a very happy grouchy…
Sveta called the neighbors and told them that I was going to fix their fence. It had collapsed around the gate area. This is my friends home called Nicolai, he is having serious health issues and we truly hope he makes it. We missed him this summer…. He is a good man…. Since he has the place locked up, I had to resort to jimmy rigging the situation. For if I climbed the fence it would definitely be on the ground. I am just too fat and big to do that to a fence, that is old and decrepit…
It is solid now and when we get back later in October, we will check his fence all the way around and repair better if needed. The last storm tore his fence down…
The roads in Russia, or at least the roads we travel on 90% of the time, are in fine shape. This is good. For in the past, the roads in Russia are terrible. Russia has been working on her highways and in general the highways are good now. Constant construction is being done and it makes for good driving. Easier on the cars, that is for sure…
Don’t get me wrong, the side roads are still hell themselves, but as with our village roads, I prefer the goat trails, it keeps the riffraff out… 😉
Gotta get some images of Svetochka, she is always taking images, but we never get any of her…