- That Good Cup of Coffee…
Today the temperature dropped to +8 degrees Celsius. Moscow is running around in coats, sweaters and hats…
24 hours ago it was at +32 Celsius. I remember thinking that darn, the heat was not over yet. Boy was I wrong, looks like the worst is over…
That cup of coffee was extra special this morning and warmed the old bones today. My thoughts while drinking that cup of coffee were on how poorly the Western press is on reporting about Russia and her fires…
I shake my head at the doom, destruction and trivial trash being dribbled out of Moscow from the Western press association located in downtown Moscow…
I like it when one of the great Western press news articles states that they talked to Russians and that the situation is dire. That the Kremlin may be on her last leg and that 30,000,000 people have died from the smoke alone not including the terrible heat…
Let me express something about Russians! Never ask a Russia “Is Everything OK?” nor ask a Russia “How are you doing?” Because the answer will be long and detailed…
I had to learn about this the hard way at times. Being from America it is common to ask people about how they are doing. The answer most of the time is short and sweet. This is all part of being polite…
In Russia it is considered bad to answer with positive tones about how everything is. You must not bring bad luck upon yourself by telling anyone that you are doing great! You never tell anyone that you are doing even, OK…
Because to tell and be positive has tendencies to bring on bad luck and the evil eye, as Sveta tells me… 🙂
Russians are very superstitious and they carry through their lives everyday with these superstitions. So just as they do not shake hands across a door frame you never tell anyone that all is good. Because you will bring the devil down up on you…
So I watch the Western press and they report upon the information that a babushka gives after they ask the famous, “Is everything OK?” – Of course it is not OK and if you are dumb enough to ask such a loaded question you are gonna get how terrible Russia is and that the “sky is falling”…
Because to express anything else is detrimental to life…
It really looks like they have a little bit of gypsy in them all…
That is what I love about Russia!
Windows to Russia!
- There is no “Geophysical Weapon” Trying to Destroy Russia… (windowstorussia.com)
- Are The Russians Going to Get Fat… (windowstorussia.com)
- Cup of Coffee Today Was Delicious and Other Thoughts… (windowstorussia.com)
- Russia To Make Decision On American Chicken… (windowstorussia.com)
- Bad Move – Russia Lifts Chicken Ban on America… (windowstorussia.com)