Russia To Make Decision On American Chicken…

A commercial meat chicken production house in ...
Florida Chickens…

Russia stuck to her guns and the USA has given in. The chicken war is possibly coming to an end. I have been talking about this issue for around a year. This is an old problem that America refused to deal with for years before Russia said, No More……

As of the first day of this year 2010,ย  Russia showed the USA that they were not bluffing. America took the stance that you need our chicken and Russian producers have shown that Russia does not need American chicken to be imported…

MOSCOW, August 13 (RIA Novosti) -The two biggest U. S. poultry producers have proposed programs for rearing poultry in line with Russian requirements, Russia’s food safety watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor said on Friday.The Koch Poultry and Mountaire Farms firms presented the programs at a meeting with Rosselkhoznadzor head Sergei Dankvert.

Under the program, the U.S. companies will provide information about the antibiotic residue content in all poultry they export to Russia.

The management of the companies said they were ready to provide additional data about production if necessary.

The USA has given into the demands of what the Russians considered to be bad for your health. Excess chlorine, water and antibiotics in American raised chicken…

The USA has finally agreed to all stipulations of what Russia has demanded and now they wait for the answer…

I would suggest that chicken coming from America better toe the line because Russia will end the chicken imports forever if they lie. So as of now some chicken has been shipped but that is all on a send it and we will test it situation…

Russia is weighing the importance of the need to even resume American chicken imports because Russian producers have compensated with no issues in the market place. In fact I have seen a decrease in chicken prices. Sveta and I eat almost only chicken with a little fish and so this is an important decision to us. We will be continuing to support the Russian chicken companies no matter what the Russian government does about American chicken…

Windows to Russia!

Big Update on this issue: Russia has a few more demands. ๐Ÿ™‚

US blasts Russia over poultry trade snag:

President Barack Obama‘s top trade official accused Moscow on Wednesday of “unreasonably” delaying the resumption of US poultry exports to Russia with an 11th-hour demand for plant inspections.

“It’s just not acceptable,” US Trade Representative Ron Kirk told reporters after a Senate hearing on agricultural exports, adding that US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and other officials were trying to resolve the issue.

“I hope it’s not necessary but we, you know, if necessary we’ll be asking the president to intercede again,” Vilsack told reporters on a conference call later.

Kirk said Washington wants to help Moscow reach its goal of joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), but “it’s issues like this, on poultry, that continue to frustrate us, frankly, and make us question their resolve to operate in a rules-based system.”

The US Department of Agriculture gave the green light in late July for US poultry exporters to resume shipments to Russia after nearly a seven-month ban by what was once the largest foreign market for US chicken.

On January 1, Russia banned the import of chicken treated with chlorinated water, a procedure commonly used by US producers to disinfect.

Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announced a deal to end the dispute after talks at the White House in late June.

Kirk said the “new wrinkle” was a demand by Moscow to send inspectors to verify that US poultry plants meet the agreement’s protocols, stranding exports that “literally” were “packed and ready to go.”

“It’s just not acceptable. We have an agreement, we’ve signed it, we’ve met that protocol, the USDA put out a list of what the plants were that met the protocol and we’re ready to resume shipments now,” he said.

“The frustration is that it just seems to always be something new, but the notion of having to come and inspect plants we think will just unnecessary and unreasonably delay the process and it’s not compliant with what we’ve agreed to,” Kirk told reporters.

Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss noted that the US Senate would soon weigh the new START nuclear arms reduction treaty with Moscow, yet “here we are, not being able to trust the Russians to keep their word on the imports of chickens into Russia.”

The United States gave Moscow a list of US Department of Agriculture-approved poultry processing facilities that meet the criteria of the accord, according to a spokeswoman for Kirk, Nefeterius Akeli McPherson.

“Russian food safety officials are now asking to inspect and approve the US shipping facilities themselves, which was not included in the agreement that Russia signed,” she said.

“USTR and USDA officials are reminding our Russian counterparts strongly of their obligation to resume immediately acceptance of shipments of US poultry that meet the protocol set out in the agreement that Russia signed last month. There should be no further delay,” she said.

The poultry industry accounts for more than 500,000 jobs across the United States and over the last three years, US poultry exports to Russia had averaged more than 800 million dollars, according to US lawmakers from producer states.

This kinda stuff makes you smile and go Hummm…. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Windows to Russia!

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