- I like this type of Spam…
I have spent 3 hours just cleaning up comments. First I had to look over 1311 spam that had accrued over the two days this weekend. I found 4 legit comments in that mess…
Then I had to check the Badbehavior comments. These are comments that are blocked because of being automated. There was 617 of them and 1 good comment amongst that mess…
Then I had several regulars that automatically go to my email and I got them approved. 🙂
Then I had 98 comments that had to be moderated because they were legit comments and not considered spam. Out of those 10 were so bad that they could not be left to be viewed by the public. Some were terrible but I have learned to leave those and now only the comments that are death threats against me, Svet or others are pulled.
Just take a look at some of the posts and you will see that commenting has increased tremendously. This has happened after I dropped Disqus and went back to Intensedebate a month ago. Hummm…
So I apologize to anyone if I seem to not be able to get to answer very many comments. Literally I can not get to them…
To write a post takes time and sometimes I write two in a day or more. But lately I have been buried in comments.
I have had a lot of very good comments and we also have had a group of college students that used one of the articles for a project. They have thanked me and I want them to know that I appreciate the thanks. At this link…
Sveta and I do appreciate all the comments and want them to continue. I will answer what I can and will answer what e-mails that I can also. We receive sometimes 10 to 20 e-mails a day from people…
So please do not stop the comments because you think it does not matter. The comments do matter…
Windows to Russia!
- Comment Spam and False Positives (avc.com)
- OI. Spam comments. (livinginagoogleworld.blogspot.com)
- We like comments (now you can too!) (liveside.net)
- Need A Reason To Switch Blog Comments To Disqus? There’s An App For That (blogherald.com)
- [Poll] Should AndroidPolice Implement DISQUS Or IntenseDebate Comment System? Please Cast Your Votes (androidpolice.com)
- Cameron takes the plunge in Russia (rt.com)
- Blogger Adds Spam Filter for Comments (mt-soft.com.ar)