Now we understand why Qatar under attack…

I follow much more info than what I could ever write about on this blog. But somethings are important and the chessboard moves being made by the East against a checker playing West, becomes more interesting by the day…

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This makes sense as to why the American backed Saudi Arabia is allowed to pounce upon and try to crush Qatar. It has puzzled me as to why America is so silent and what deal that Trump had worked on with Saudi. Now it makes sense…. It also makes sense that Saudi Arabia has been seen backtracking as the deal made falters…

This came to me today…

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Qatar has been supplying LNG (liquefied natural gas), Russia will start, as will Iran. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is going to shake the LNG market to the roots. This is the market that America has been trying to shove down everyone’s throats, even if the price from America is triple what can be done much closer to home for the East and Europe…

I talked years ago about how oil is and was king. But the queen of fuels is Natural Gas, in its various forms. This is soon to become King Natural Gas for oil will have to give away to the new super fuel that the East is working with…

In 2012 WtR was attacked cyber-wise over this article…

Natural Gas is Taking Over The Throne…

It started with this article in 2008…

Russia: Will Oil Lose Its Crown?

If it has to do with Russia and the East, I have talked about it in the many years I have blogged this website…

Now the fruit is ripening and the pickers are setting their ladders to reap what they have sown…. Russia has silently and morally and efficiently been developing a network with in the East and Middle east of fuel supply. The future of the world is going eastward and the West is having a heart attack trying to stop this movement…

Panic time and lets try to crush, kill, destroy the non-believers…. New point to think about…. Saudi Arabia is in Moscow talking about the future.

Questions are and is: How long before Saudi jumps the bandwagon and joins the East? Does the East want Saudi within their ranks? Can Saudi be trusted?



PS: Look for India to be one to watch also…

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About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.