Oh My!

I just realized that I started the year out very badly. The bottom of the barrel. First world, second world and third world badly. Just plain terrible badly. End of world and sky is falling disaster badly…

Any other day of the year it would be okay. I would just traipse out the door and get what I need. It can be found almost anywhere….but….it is the New Year and that is Russian Christmas and Russians take their Christmas very very seriously and they all stay home…

All I have is enough for two….just two….two is kinda a small number!

But two is enough and for that I am thankful. But, what if I cannot find more today? Then tomorrow I will be without…

How could I forget to get milk for my coffee? Oh My!

Fireworks until 5 a.m., they could have paid off the world debt with all the fireworks everyone shot off. It was amazing….have you ever seen the size of a thousand + shot air bombard (called cakes.) All exploding like the one below, except each is a different color and or multiple colors. It is the size of a small car across, tubes and tubes and tubes all stacked together and all you have to do is light the fuse and hope it does not explode…

Yes, I fell asleep at sometime after 5 a.m. – Ugh! Oh My!

I got a call from Svetochka already this morning. She spent the New Year with her mom and they had a good time. But my Sweetie misses me and will come home soon today. I wonder if she can find milk? 🙂

You see I usually keep cartoons of sterilized milk stocked in the flat, but I have been buying a certain brand of pasteurized milk (very cheap) and forgot about stocking emergency milk. Thus, now I am paying for such laziness on my part…

I think I will go get another cup of coffee and contemplate my situation and decide what I am going to do about such a world shattering issue…

I know! Just get my coat, scarf, gloves and boots on and go get some milk!

But first, that last cup of coffee…


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.