This is my recipe of a delicious cooked cabbage as a side dish for any meat. I have seen this same basic recipe here in Russia also. In fact I am sure that I have seen it at My My (Moo Moo) a Russian restaurant. I served this one time to the governor of Georgia, USA and 4000 other people at a state banquet…
I have thousands of recipes from when I made a living as a chef and manager in corporate food service. So try this one out and you will find that it compliments your choice of meat grandly…
Lets make Cabbage with Tomatoes Stew…
1 small (young) head green cabbage – shredded
1 one small onion – diced
4 tablespoons of butter
1 cupful tomatoes – diced
1 peeled garlic toe – crushed
2 tablespoons sour cream
salt and black pepper to taste
1 or 2 tablespoons of sifted white flour to thicken the mixture…
How to prepare and cook:
Shred the cabbage… (no more than quarter inch wide strips)
Cook the onion and the garlic in 2 or 3 tablespoons of butter in a large nonstick skillet until tender and browned…
Then add the cup of tomatoes diced into the onions… (I leave peel on but you may peel)
Cook until the tomatoes water out… (You may add water if you need to at this point… You should have around 2 tablespoons equivalent of moisture.)
Then add the cabbage and let cook uncovered for about ten minutes until the cabbage is tender but still slightly firm…
Now while the cabbage is cooking. Take a small nonstick saucepan, heat the remaining tablespoon or so of butter and blend in the flour… (make a thin sauce rue)
Simmer over low heat, stirring constantly until the sauce thickens…
Stir the sour cream into the sauce rue, adding salt and black pepper to your taste… (I like to add paprika also, it helps give the dish color and pizzazz.)
Combine the sauce rue with the cabbage and simmer for a few minutes to blend the flavors…
It should thicken and make a form of stew, made out of Cabbage and tomatoes…
Serve as a side dish for a main entree. But I find that it is perfect as a main dish all by itself and for those that have to have meat. Just add diced chunks of pork, beef or chicken and wallah you have a meal in one…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…