Regional Security is a Top Priority for China and Russia…

While China and Russia do not always agree on things and see eye to eye all the time and this has never changed all through history, but what has changed is that China and Russia see each other as a partnership that needs to be fertilized and allowed to grow. Putin is well loved in China as is Medvedev and that my friends is half the battle…

The Western Empire has predicated the need for the two powers to conclude that things are getting bad in the world and the West has been behind the crap that is appearing time and time again…

A factor that has tied Russia and China in a secure bond is “Regional Security” : High on the agenda of the SCO summit became regional security, the Vedomosti daily reported. Three of five documents, which the presidents will sign on Thursday, were devoted to regional security. This is a program of cooperation in the struggle against terrorism, separatism and extremism for 2013-2015, an updated resolution on political and diplomatic measures of response to the situations, which threaten peace, security and stability in the region, and a declaration for the construction of a lasting peace.

This regional security issue encompasses the facts that the West is trying to destabilize the East and cause turmoil in the wake of the collapse of the Western Empire as it financially trips into a bottomless pit of debt. The West can not have a strong East s it falls apart and goes into a depression while the East is able to take advantage of that depression, as it did in the lest recession…

I listened to India today and even though the USA has turned up the bribery and corruption game by playing the military weapons card. India has come back with Iran oil is still going to be bought and the US needs to rethink the game being played in the Asian area. But India loves the money and says with a smile, “Thank You – for your people’s tax money, so that we can buy weapons!” I look all around the world and see the bribery and corruption of what is suppose to be the greatest country in the history of the world. It is suppose to be the richest country in the history in the world and it is suppose to be the most morally correct country in the world…

This is why the East is working overtime to lay the ground work for a unified Eastern world and what gets me is that America keeps printing the money and keeps handing out the money and keeps bribing, corrupting and coercing the world into going along with what she wants. I feel that if you have to pay for your friends then you do not have friends…

It is interesting to see the main stream media in America and the lack of real news on what is happening in the world. The lack of the real story as it is being played out all over the world. It is almost funny, if it was not so sad and scary. But who am I to tell you to read the correct news. Just look around and look outside the walls of the main stream media and you will see the real truth, but I realize that truth is not as much fun as who marries who and who sues who in the world of Hollywood…

So while you are worrying about Dancing with the Stars and Reality shows and you stay tuned to the local controlled news every night. Then you hear the world news as controlled by a select few. Just remember something…

Russia and China who have always had issues to cooperate fully are working out their differences and now that they see a common enemy to their existence on earth. The first step to a unified Eastern World has begun and America can thank themselves for this unification of finances and power…

China and Russia proclaim unity on Syria and Iran and they say this in the face of the West…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

PS: China and Russia flex muscle at the West By Brendan O’Reilly

Beijing and Moscow will send a clear message to the world at the ongoing Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit. The leaderships of China and Russia have drawn two lines in the sand – an unequivocal “No” to bombing Iran, and another unambiguous “No” to regime change in Syria brought about through a Western bombing campaign. (Link)