Russia: Happy With Staying Home!


I found this study on Russians and their so called desire to all leave the country. Like I suspected already while living in Russia, they do not have anymore desire to leave than other counties do…
Roughly a half of Russians don’t want to go overseas but a third of the nation (35 percent) favors traveling over the world. No more than 8 percent of respondents are ready to emigrate for permanent residence, signaled the poll of All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Studies.
Nine percent of the Russians would like to work overseas and 4 percent want to get education there. The potentially mobile respondents have high (or incomplete high) education. In this most educated group, 47 percent would like to travel worldwide, 13 percent want to work overseas, 10 percent are willing to emigrate for permanent residence and 7 percent – to study in some foreign state.

As to the most favored state for permanent residence, Germany (18 percent) is the evident leader and the United States (14 percent) enjoys the second score. But the situation is quite the opposite when it comes to employment – the U.S. leads with 29 percent and Germany follows with just 19 percent. The Russians would rather go to Britain (40 percent) and the United States (16 percent) for education, while France (13 percent) and Italy (11 percent) are chosen for traveling.

All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Studies held its poll July 19 and 20, covering 1,600 respondents in 140 settlements of Russia. The statistic error isn’t above 3.4 percent. (Link)
My wife has always been confused by the reports that Russians want to go to America. Seems Germany is favored before America.

Kyle & Svet

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