Russia: Time to Get New Visa!


I was drinking my morning cup of coffee and thinking that very quick, We must go and get me a new Visa!

So the first question that must be answered is: “Which country do we drive to?”

Estonia or Finland! (that’s what we have narrowed it down to)

I am voting for Estonia, where as my wife is leaning toward Finland.

I then ask myself which country do I want to get stranded in, if Visa problems arise? I still vote for Estonia, because the cost to live there is much cheaper than Finland. So to me the answer is Estonia.

We have Boza the Bear ready.(our dog) He has his Pet Passport and the new ISO implant put in.(microchip implant). My Wife took him to the vet a few days ago and had him certified to travel the World.

I asked Boza where he wanted to go? He told me “Estonia”, of course! :))

This weekend I must go get a HIV test done. It is required for staying over three months at a time. We are also waiting for the Letter of Invitation to arrive any day now….. Then I need also, to get this weekend, Passport sized pictures taken.

We are going to drive to Estonia or Finland and sight see on the way. Svet has to get a Visa herself, to enter either country, I do not! I can stay up to 90 days without a Visa in both countries. In fact a problem with travel in Europe is that Svet needs a Visa to get in any country but I can travel freely.

I think this is unfair.

I will leave more information on what we go through to get a Visa renewed. It might just help someone out that needs to renew in the future.

Update: (We have found out that it may be possible to get the Visa renewed in Ukraine. That would be a shorter trip for us. So now we add another possibility of where to go. We have been to the Ukraine, I still want to go to Estonia!)


comments always welcome.

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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.