Svetochka is gone! :(

Coffee-iconIt takes us two guys a day or two, to get back in the grove. Boza just walks around and sighs and plops down with a thud to the ground. I sigh also, but, decided that falling to the ground is dangerous for my health and sit down easily to find a seat somewhere (same effect.) Other words, we both miss our girl…

But life goes on and soon we will get back in the grove again…

My favorite song. I sing this everyday as we walk the first walk of the day and today I may sing it two or three times… 😉

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Tiny Russian Village is without water still. Lets see if anyone comes today to fix the well? I am watching local government! I am recording local government! This might be a small issue to the big villages and their life, but to about 30 people in the Tiny Russian Village it is serious stuff. Like I said, “I am watching, local government! I am recording this on the blog, local government!”

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Just love the bell tower…

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Last night after dropping Svetochka off at the train station; I got to watch a fox eat frogs on the Tiny Russian Village road going home. It was a young fox and had not learned that cars and humans are a bad thing. He or maybe a she, stayed in the road and munched frog buffet. Frogs are thick as mosquitoes right now and he had some headlights from the car and hundreds of frogs to eat, as they hopped all over the place…

I just sat and watched for a few minutes and decided that a good meal was better than me chasing it off. Then after eating a particular fat frog, it decided to look at me and thought, “Maybe I better move!”

So the fox ran down the road away from me and I followed for over a 100 meters. Then at the turn in the road the fox went left and I went right. I hollered, “Poka (pah-kah; ‘bye or see you later) and Priyatnogo appetita (Bon Appetit!)”

He nodded and gave a wink and disappeared into the night!

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Svetochka and I went to the Paralympics when they came to Russia in the winter. It was incredible to see how fine the athletes were, from all over the world. It was a defining moment in my life to see people who had no arms, legs and many other disabilities to perform at levels that approach even the greatest normal athletes…

Paralympic issue in 2016: The western world in its glorified righteousness of lies, has crawled from the gutter, into the sewer and seems to be happy floundering there in the wastes of societies…

Every been part of a punishment ritual for what the single person did? It was common in my childhood! In school, someone acted the fool and the whole class was punished. Coaches and teachers, seemed to thrive upon making all do pushups and writing assignments, as punishment, when one kid failed. The military is really good about such tactics. In families with multiple kids, collective punishment is common…

So many athletes who did nothing wrong, have been banned! It is a fact that Russia is not the issue with doping for athletes, but as always the west points fingers to steer the world away from its issues and tries to point out the flaws in everyone else. One day it will all reverse and America will be looking around and saying, “What did we do? What? What did we do?” Because, the lackeys will all switch sides in a heartbeat…

My guess is that the idea is, “That group pressure will force the odd man out to conform!” is not effective and has many times ended up with the odd man out getting a blanket party in the deep night and yes people have been hospitalized and killed for such actions. But as you see, we still use such stupidity to try to sway the masses to hate others. As always is does not work and as always it creates more hate toward the inducer of said punishment, than would be expressed otherwise…

Hate is the byproduct of this action and while a few hate toward the single entity, many more hate vehemently toward the main entity inducer of said rules and punishment…

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imagesWell it seems that China is getting down off the fence it has been riding! Take a guess at which side they have gotten off on and You have – “Three guesses, and the first two don’t count!”

Besides as China is finding out; Riding that fence has been putting splinters in its ass, by America! Time to pull out the splinters and get off the fence and do what is correct….Thus, China is going to Syria, as has Iran and as we all know; Russia is tearing the U.S. lead terrorists a new asshole. Less fence riders everyday and America is riding that fence more and more as it tries to figure out what happened to all its games it plays…

One day America has to get off the bandwagon and either clean out the terrorists, stop creating terrorists and or just admit that they messed everything up, as they try to salvage both itself in the world standings and its future as a viable government even within the USA itself….Example: China has just become fed up with the chaotic policies of America…

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Its time for Washington to be kicked in the you know what! I mean what kind of foreign policy is Washington pursuing i.e. – antagonizing Russia in Ukraine, China in the South China Sea, supporting the destruction of Yemen by Saudi Arabia, destruction of Syria and the creation of Daesh. I am imagining what’s gonna happen when one of the two rabid dogs running for the presidency in Washington takes over from Obama’s screwed up foreign policy…

It really is the right time for China to get into Syria…

There’s a fine line between a stream of consciousness and a babbling brook to nowhere. – Dan Harmon

We seem to have lost that line!

Actuality has been lost, upon the face of idealism at its finest apex within the American mindset!


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.