This is wrong: Cop-Out and Pass the Buck…

not trueThis is what is wrong and I have said it numerous times. We always try to pass the buck. The buck always stops on someone else and we are never to blame…

This kind of statement is a cop-out and has become the way of life in the USA. We were not always this way and we have even had presidents such as Truman who had a sign on his desk that said, “The Buck Stops Here!”

The saying “the buck stops here” derives from the slang expression “pass the buck” which means passing the responsibility on to someone else.

I disagree with living this way (passing the buck) and a sign of a sick society is a society that will not shoulder the responsibilities of its life, actions and morals…

We elect our officials and we keep those officials in office. If we want real change, then lets get to the streets and drag the assholes off their pedestals we put them on and lets start everything all over…

The problem is that you are scared, you are too complacent and you are to dumbed down to care. If all you can do is mimic our president as he pass the buck to anyone and everyone that he can, then we get what we deserve…

The truth is that we deserve Obama as a leader, he fits the general populace and he is a carbon copy of the America that we see this day and age. He is a controlled puppet sheeple and like many of us, he does what he is told. The president of the USA is the ultimate welfare recipient. He is on the top of the welfare honor roll. He (plus family) is protected for life, he is fed for life and he is supported for life – by the American people. All he has to do is play president for a few years and then he gets to live off your dime until he dies. It does not matter what kind of president he is. They all get the same welfare benefits after they leave office. This all happens because we need a figure head to act like they run the country and that relieves the pressure from the ones that really run the country…

The new total cop-out in the world we know is this, “We can not help what our government does!”

Then you just answered the whole problem…

You are to blame and yes, I blame myself for all the years I acted stupid, all the years that I killed for my country and all the years that I ignored what was happening around me. I am part of the problem and I am damn for sure going to try to wake a few people up and hence the website Windows to Russia…

Yesterday on Windows to Russia: Unique visitors – 2875, Visits – 6649, Pages – 18825… (So – I know someone reads the boring crap I write!)

This is the best it has been in over a year, but nothing like it was years ago at its peak. At one time I had many public schools using my work and then, I was stupid and trusted that my government was free. I got burned and it has taken several years now to crawl back from being destroyed. Windows to Russia was at one time one of the largest sites on Russia in history and rivaled any of the others. I will never trust again that America is a safe and free country…

My actions in the past are the problem and I will put it in writing that I am to blame for the mess in the USA. Just like you and you and you and you and yes you are to blame just as much as anyone else…

Don’t like what our government does?

Then lets kick them out of office and start over from the beginning. If you can’t do that then quit whining how bad it is and quit posting photos to tell the world you love them and it is not our fault. If it is not our fault then whose fault exactly is it?

We the people need to stop “Copping-Out and Passing the Buck” first…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.