- Image by h de c via Flickr
I remember clearly Russia talking and explaining about no sanctions that affect the Iranian people and make life terrible for them. In fact I remember Russia being explicit about those stipulations. I remember Russian news saying that the people of Iran do not deserve to have sanctions that impose upon their rights as humans.
My understanding is that Iranians have it bad enough in the human rights department. So why do we as human right supporters make their life even more miserable?
Now remember this is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak and only one issue. As the sanctions become more pronounced. Then expanded further against what Russia voted for at the UN meeting, then the people of Iran will suffer more and more…
“Since last week, after the passing of the unilateral law by America and the sanctions against Iran, airports in England, Germany, the UAE have refused to give fuel to Iranian passenger planes.” Iranian Airlines, said. This was according to Russian TV…
Well Russia, this does not equate into sanctions that leave the Iranian people alone. Sanctions that only target the nuclear program. Sanctions that make it hard for the nuclear program to continue to develop. This for your information is targeting the people of Iran and curtailing the freedom of movement of said people…
Passenger jets are not full of nuclear product but they carry passengers as the name implies. What they do carry as excess cargo can be regulated and should be regulated. But to deny an Iranian passenger jet fuel because of a set of sanctions that were suppose to not target the Iranian people is asinine…
Then to top it all off, the world economy is in such bad shape that no one especially Europe and America can not afford to deny sales of any type. This seems like the West shoots their own foot in the process by these sanctions. Now Russia has stuck their foot in mouth, so to say…
Is this what you voted for Russia? Is this what you thought you were getting in the deal Medvedev? Did you mess up on this one Russia?
Iran is another Gaza and West Bank in the making…
Windows to Russia!