Windows to Russia: Kiev Visa Trip – 4-20-2009

Hello,Windows to Russia!

Lets look at the Kiev, Visa trip today. We had a very good trip and as always it was too short of a trip. As we get better at this Visa thing the trips get less and less all the time. I already posted a few pictures but I promised that I would post more so here they are…

We started at this station in Moscow, Russia! The Kiev Station…
It was late: so I tucked Svet in Bed and as you see it was very cold…
Two sheets and three wool blankets!
She is so cute!
Early Morning Station in Ukraine as the sun is starting to rise…
Sun Rise in Ukraine…
These are two Black Americans and one Ukraine they had no idea that someone would or could be around that could understand English. (At the Rail station McDonald’s) I could and so could Svet and they were having a vivid discussion about their contacts and getting their illegal activities done before their train leaves. The one looking at the camera phone as the picture being taken was beat up three hours later… (Druggie Dummy’s) Love that cell phone camera…
Picture altered slightly to protect the innocent!

Svet and I left the Dummies at McDonald’s and went on an excursion to a Monastery…
Holy Water, You can drink it and I did, got terrible heart burn…
Kiev Train Station…
This is how you travel Russian / Ukraine style…

Then we were home and accomplished another visa run in a few days. Tomorrow I will write an article about Kiev! Svet noticed something this time about Kiev and she was correct…

Stay tuned!

Kyle and Svet

comments always welcome.