My home; Zarya Svobody and or Dawn of Freedom (or better yet,) The Tiny Russian Village…
- Fall is here!
- Looking back…
- Bell tower
- Getting dark
- wow
- Starting home
- Bell Tower…
- New bridge…
- There is a sun
- Windows reflecting
- Daytime of village home
- Sunrise to Freedom
- Boza
- Our home…
- Perfect…
- Superhighway…
- One of the Monks…
- Love this image through the pines…
- Rabbit stew, salt mushrooms, and fresh salad…
- Hey! Last bird in the nest and two seconds after the images was taken, he took off also…
Just a recap of some of the many images that I have taken…
This Tiny Russian Village, as I call it; Sunrise to Freedom. Is my freedom and it, plus my Svetochka, have saved my soul. I have grown, I have become healthy and I have gained a new lease on life…
Boza, Sveta and I hope that you enjoy the past images. I know that I did, as I went through them again…