Coffee thoughts from a Tiny Russian Village…

Coffee-iconI have a delicious cup of coffee and a few thoughts to get off my chest. +1 Centigrade this morning and the sky is clear. Not sure it will stay that way, but a day without rain would be nice. Boza and I got up at 2:30 a.m. and walked for an hour in the dark. It was a beautiful night walk, with the stars as our light…

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captureDid you watch the debate? You know the debate of pathetic against also pathetic? You know the presidential debate in the US?

I did! We are in serious trouble in America and if you need proof that the system is rigged, then watch the debate between Hillary and Trump. But do me a favor, watch it as a bystander and you have never seen these two before…

I saw; Trump really does not care to be president and Hillary does not either!

Hillary is a puppet and her strings showed and Trump just wants and has succeeded, to increase his brand! Trump is better off losing, for he wins much more if he does. He is set to become one of the richest men in the world, not just a low end billionaire, but a high end billionaire…, if he loses and that is really what he wants. It shows…

Seriously; he never thought this game would go this far and he did it all for brand name increase. He somehow got stuck holding the bag…

Neither Trump nor Hillary really wants the job, one is forced and the other opened his mouth…

Tells me how messed up America is in almost all things….from energy use to military chest thumping…

We need a leader, a real leader!

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Drying potatoes! I am on my third batch and they are drying great. I now have apples, potatoes, turnips, tomatoes, mushrooms, and several other goodies dried to make soup with during the winter. I also need to find some powdered cheese mix to allow me to make potatoes dishes. Ones to bake in the little toaster over we have. I need to get a good deal on bananas and dry them next. I like banana chips and they are great for energy during super cold days…

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I made fried green tomatoes this morning. I love fried green tomatoes and when I eat them they remind me of Juliette, Georgia and the Whistle Stop Cafe. The place where Fried Green Tomatoes the movie was filmed and a place that I have eaten at a dozen times, or so!

I was running the food service at Georgia Military College (GMC) and would drive to eat there on a day off or even half day off. It was always good food, good conversation and soul recharging…

Georgia and GMC was a good time in my life. That was a job that I should have never let my company move me from, the college wanted me to stay and I was in my element there…

Good memories…

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The lake is being drained, they will harvest the fish in the next few days. The season is about over and the fish are big. I will try to get pictures, but I got a bunch last year… (1) (2) (3) (4)

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Sammy the Volga should be home today! I really hope it is! Please it is time to get her home….They said today! ????? They received the wrong radiator and the correct one is being delivered this morning, That is about a 15 minute job to replace….Plus I told them to replace the generator. I did not like the look of the one that was on there. It was showing weak output and they are cheap cost for a Volga…

After I get Sammy, I will call Sveta and she will get geared up to come to the Tiny Russian Village again. Then we shut the village home down and go to Moscow. She wants to have that car ride home. I told you she just loves excursions in Sammy the Volga….She is my navigator…


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.