Тюнтава – Ненецкая свадьба (Tyuntava – Nenets wedding)

Lets spend a half of an hour and watch the process of a planned marriage and wedding in the far North of Russia. The dads have made the arrangements and today is the day that they meet to work out the details. I realize that the language is unknown to you, but watch and learn how a young lady is to be married…

Location Naryan-Mar, Nenets, Russia…

She has some say in the process, but the pressure is heavy as she has very little choice…

I found it interesting that she is expected, once married to leave and never look back. Her home is now with her husband and not with her parents…

The movie covers the dads exchange to the final marriage and she is hidden on the sleigh so that she can not see how she gets to her new home. So that she can’t run away…

Loved it and it is a very good documentation of a different life and culture than what we know about…

The site page http://www.chumoteka.ru/2013/01/blog-post_19.html has all the information and just use the translator and read away. The owner of the blog ЧУМотека is a good friend of Sveta’s and I really enjoy the videos that this wonderful lady has on her blog…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

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