Volga Gaz 310221 in Russia!

For the readers who are interested in Russian Cars (especially Volga‘s), for those that have followed the events from months ago when our Volga 2410 was stolen and destroyed: This article is for you then… This is Sammy as we call her. She finally made it home after a long Saturday trying to get all

Russia: Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions!

Remembering Stalin’s Great Purge victims: Windows to Russia! Venezuela and Nuclear Power – is a Right Says Russia… (windowstorussia.com) President Medvedev Talks to Russia About the Fire… (windowstorussia.com) From Russia: Medvedev and Novaya Gazeta! (windowstorussia.com) Just Some News From Russia… (windowstorussia.com) Medvedev Says: No threat of food deficit in Russia… (windowstorussia.com) Russia: USA Has Crossed

Russia: Her Drivers!

I was drinking my morning cup of coffee and I was thinking of the other day about how mad I got at another driver. The Russian driver is like the American driver, they only care if they get where they are going and will they run over you in the process. In America Road Rage