4 days normal usage and sitting at 33% battery still. I have never accomplished this kind if battery life in the big Galaxy Note N7000. I have never failed to have to charge it everyday, except for times when I tried to get the phone to conserve battery and literally, did not use the phone. […]
Available for Interviews – Voice of Russia: “Russians strongly believe that the Syrian Opposition gassed its own people for propaganda” In response to current media discussion regarding the latest developments in Syria regarding the alleged use of gas that killed more than 1,000 by the Syrian government, Voice of Russia, one of the three Russian […]
Bankrupt at the Top, Ignoring Soldier Needs “Products are supposed to be based on valid scientific data. Strong Choices and the Universal Prevention Model are based on perceptions and opinions.” In March of 2012 an article was published outlining some of the allegations of fraud, waste and abuse within the US Army’s Center for Substance […]
You can drink the “Kool-Aid,” I will sip the “Coffee!” How about joining me in a better world, anywhere in that world and see for yourself what is happening with your own eyes… Yesterday I wrote an article about Crusades and the west. It seemed to hit home for many and it stung a nerve […]
What is a crusade? – Lead or take part in a campaign concerning a social, political, or religious issue… Now that sounds like the western world I know. Everything is a crusade in the west, be it against another country, another religion, another race of people and in fact the west is against anything that […]
Sveta and I both have expressed that fact that there seems to be lots of kids everywhere and the fact that many Russians are having two children. We have a playground (actually 4 large playgrounds) and there are times that you literally can not get many more kids in any of these playgrounds. What with […]
The giant sucking sound you here, I said on August 15 on CNBC’s The Kudlow Report, is the implosion of America’s influence in the Middle East. Vladimir Putin’s August 17 offer of Russian military assistance to the Egyptian army after US President Barack Obama cancelled joint exercises with the Egyptians denotes a post-Cold-War low point […]
Now this is a situation that tells me how bad it is in Egypt. Russians travel to Egypt no matter what is happening there. It has been bad before but when this statement comes out from Rosturizm, then Egypt just lost the bread and butter of their tourism money… The sales of any and all […]
This is a perfect example of how the western world plays games and this game became the bases for several wars, lots of spent wasted money and many years and many deaths… So welcome to Osama Bin Laden and how we relished his place in the world and even praised him for his abilities. Why […]
I have a Galaxy Note N7000 and I also have a Galaxy Tab 2 P3110. I have talked about the Note before and have expressed that I have struggled to find that perfect Rom. Well I have found that Rom for the Note and I have found a very good ROM for the Tab 2… […]