Ukraine’s Leaders Seek National Socialism, Dictatorship: “Americanization and Liberalism are Poison” by John Stanton…

So the US leadership is supporting the creation of One Nation Under God in Ukraine. As one of the key groups involved in the militant overthrow of an elected government has stated in its party platform, “a system of the dictatorship of the Nation with regard to the socioeconomic interests of the people” needs to

China Will Require USA Debt Paid in Gold Only?

I found this interesting: As you should know and you may not know, because: 1. You hide from truth and/or 2. The western media is total crap! Госдеп намекнул русским на заморозку активов, но пыл американцев быстро охладили в КНР, заявив, что могут потребовать выплаты долгов золотом. The USA State Department hinted at freezing Russian

We Warn Russia!

Let me get this straight, I am a little confused; The US has over the last 25 + years has invaded, destroyed and occupied foreign sovereign countries (Iraq early 90s and 2003, Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, countries in Latin America and Africa etc, etc, and continues to destabilize other countries for regime changes etc, e.g. Syria,