A few weeks ago I told you all that autumn was here. The tree leaves were turning and pumpkins were everywhere. Frost was on the ground every morning and the weather was perfect, but two days ago, Old Man Winter woke from his summer siesta and decided enough is enough and winter is ready to […]
Hares hop turnstiles – but not for long? Things are turning in great style in Moscow. But do you know what? They’re thinking of getting rid of the turnstile on public transport.Read More >>> This is a great article above and I had to laugh when I read it. In fact I ended up reading […]
“Soon there will be no one who remembers when spaceflight was still a dream, the reverie of reclusive boys and the vision of a handful of men. Most of those who met in ardent little groups in small cafe between the world wars, planning voyages to the moon and planets that they never hoped to […]
Who in the world is Barack Obama to claim that “No God” would allow the Islamic State to exist and slaughter what it considers to be non-believers? His statement follows the same line of transgression committed by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush in their baleful appeals to God and Christ, even as they approved […]
An actual 1953 photo of a test of a nuclear artillery projectile at the Nevada Test Site (photo depicts an artillery piece with a 280 mm bore (11 inch), and the explosion of its artillery shell at a distance of 10 km (6.2 mi))… Nuclear artillery is a subset of limited-yield tactical nuclear weapons, in particular those […]
Most people in the west do not realize how much “capability,” Russia really has; largest land mass, a population of 140 million+, for the most part very patriotic, (spare me the false democracy bull and allowing 2% of the population to be a majority of citizens, of dissent here and there). They have unlimited natural […]
Last night, just as it got almost pitch-black, Boza and I came upon a creature that was a big as Boza and stood on his back legs and tried to start a fight with us. Boza froze and until I could see what it was we were up against, my trusty walking stick held the […]
We are what we teach… This issue of Homosexuals is a good example of why I have lost faith in the western world. I do not try to tell you how you should live and who your partner should be, but I do have thoughts and ideas about what is right and wrong and I […]
“The contract does not allow for re-exports. We hope that our European partners will adhere to the agreements. Only this can guarantee uninterrupted supplies to European consumers,” – Russia’s Energy Minister Aleksandr said. Russia just fired a legal shot across the bow or Europe and I have studied the contracts that are public and Russia […]
It is more than wrong, it is illegal, immoral and evil. It is a connived, conceived and deliberate setup to allow (very loosely – allow) bombing of countries that are in the way of the USA hegemony and the petrol dollar… I am against the bombing of Syria and Iraq for false reasons. We created […]