I was digging a post hole for the fence this morning and it dawned on me; If 9-11-2001 had happened on 9-11-2014, Russia would be the blame for it! Think about that for awhile as you sip that cappuccino or suck down a latte… Makes no sense, but a bunch of you would believe that […]
The above quote is really true, just look around and see who thinks; See that is my point… MOSCOW, September 23 – The United States will not allow geography or borders to stand in the way of its campaign against the Islamic State (IS) militant group, US Secretary of State John Kerry was reported as […]
At the beginning of the Millennium, much was said about a clash of civilizations between the West and Islamist movements, terminology which was unacceptable to the former and more and more used by the latter. Today, we see increased intrusion by the West not only in Islamic States but also in Eastern Europe and growing […]
Agrarian: the reason why Russia will still be here after the U.S. collapses. This old Soviet painting is still viable. The women I saw feeding the fish village guys yesterday, dressed just like this; (Article…) I have said in the past that Moscow is not Russia, not the real Russia. I say this even more […]
A wood vine above, I am nurturing for a beautiful fence line… I finally got my new old cell phone; A Nokia E72 and it came just in time! I had killed several phones here in the village and was down to a phone with no camera. I am rough on phones and carry them […]
Today a Jim Croce song came to my mind as I walked across the village and thought about Sveta, Boza, my family in America and the Russian Village… Time in a Bottle; It was 1973 and when young, we live forever in our minds and Jim Croce died in a plane crash. Jim Croce was […]
Tidbit of Truth: Dear Ukraine; You are Clowns and Caricatures; handing out your sovereignty to the West’s hands. The worst is still to come when lenders ask you the beggars to cough up more yet, to pay the debt. In the mean time you keep borrowing and dying for a disillusioned independence, created in the […]
These are some of Sveta’s pictures that she took when she came down this time. She is a natural with a camera and she catches such good shots of things. I would post them all but there are just too many… From the Monk in the bell tower to the Praying mantis in the grass […]
Russia buys Pabst Blue Ribbon beer… Yes that is right, while we are in the midst of the start of World War Three by financial attacks against Russia and Russia buys Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. The 170-year old American icon has really been bought by the Russians. I am getting confused as to what is […]
The Insanity of Sanctions and the “Secret” U.S. Dirty War on Russia Sanctions, sanctions and more sanctions! Every day we are subjected to an onslaught of stories and reports about how western countries, Europe, certain Asian countries and their master across the Atlantic are imposing new and ever more expanded and devious sanctions against Russia, […]