Why do you not question; Why they (west) seemed to be able to instantly post about the indecent and the bodies had not stopped falling out of the sky? Then; Why did they accuse (Putin) with no evidence and now they are silent with evidence available to what happened? Then; Why do we lie and […]
Russia explained to Ukraine that it will send an additional humanitarian convoy, along the same route just used a few days ago. More food, water and supplies of the same that had been sent previously is in dire need. This was announced on the news, Monday (08-25-2014)…
I call him Vova, he likes his name I give him, even if it really is different. I have a hard time announcing his name in truth, so I do the best I can. His name is a derivative of Vladimir, but what I hear is Vova…
Sveta will be here tonight for nine days and then the next time she comes after that, we will be driving home to Moscow. Just about one month left and my escapades in the Russian Village will be over for a while. Sveta and I want to travel the world for about a month and […]
It is a win either way for Russia and that has been the dilemma for the west. Russia made a chess move and the checker players in the west never saw it coming. I mean really, how in the world could Russia send a real humanitarian convoy? I mean a real one and no games […]
West Out – East In! If the west continues to lie and play sanction games, then Russia is making it clear that they will push their sanction knife deeper and deeper. The EU is already at the point of rioting and fresh fruit and veggies are being dumped in the streets as you read this. […]
Sveta has been (the last two times she has come to the village) amazed by a strange thing happening to the Russians that work and live around the Fish Village. They wave back at me as I drive by and now they even wave first, many times… Sveta is astounded because she had told me […]
“… in what manner does tyranny arise? — that it has a democratic origin is evident… But when [the tyrant] has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a […]
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
And as far as I am concerned the BRICS constitute the beginning of the new free world… May not be perfect, but it is a far sight better than the last failed free world…