Screw it today! I am not going to let it all get to me and I have done a much better job here in the village about ignoring the lies from the media. But somethings are getting out of hand and that is what the media is for, telling lies and playing games. Makes for […]
I am lazy today, actually I worked too hard yesterday and ended up having to take nitro for the heart late in the day. I am stupid at times and I know this, but that does not matter to my pea brain and I over do it at times. Yesterday was one of those times… […]
Today while sipping that cup of coffee, I realized that America is a big fat cow with horns. That big fat cow can hurt and you better not get in the way, or she will run over you, but that fat cow is worth keeping around because she does one thing and does that thing […]
“The Department of State also warns U.S. citizens to defer all travel to the Crimean Peninsula…Russian forces have occupied the Crimean Peninsula in support of the Russian Federation’s claim of Crimean annexation and these forces are likely to continue to take further actions in the Crimean Peninsula consistent with its claim. The United States and […]
Kerry of the U.S. just said this and it is quoted… “The United States of America is not responsible for what happened in Libya, nor is it responsible for what is happening in Iraq today,” said Kerry at a press conference in Cairo, Egypt for talks with the President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi… 1. First thought… […]
Maybe I should have THUNK instead of THINK… I decided since I failed to do my shopping yesterday, due to feeling very terrible and all that. I would outsmart these wily Russians and get up extra early and make it to town, before them there Russians even get up and buy my stuff, ahead of […]
I finally got feeling good enough to post an article, it has been a rough morning, noon and afternoon, but now I am doing better. The last photo is from a walk Boza and I just took and I did some thinking and said a prayer to God. It was raining, but the fire kept […]
I have watched for the last few months, as the west stuck foot in mouth and tried to sanction Russia, like they have done to other countries, but much smaller countries. It failed on the small countries and failed big time on Russia and now Russia is silently striking back and it will not be […]
Boza is a very laid back dog and he very rarely ever barks and gets upset over anything, but this morning he had a fit over the fish feeding boat, on the lake. The boat carries two guys and enough fish food pellets to almost sink it. They putt around the lake in a predetermined […]
Pond near the village. Our – Village on the pond bank. Looks like a good place for Bass to me!!!