A Boza and I Walk…

  Boza and I walked and walked and walked. The weather was good and the temperature was even better. I used the tiny cellphone camera and just snapped images. What you see is what we saw as we walked and we also as you see found a road deep in the woods. The woods got

Babbling Brook…

The wind changed direction yesterday and what was a northern deep freeze, became a southern heat wave. I have noticed that weather is reliant on many things, but the most important issue here in Russia is the direction the wind blows. It basically flows from the north or from the south and according to that,

Father Pavel stopped by…

Father Pavel is the monk in charge of the monastery in our village. Yesterday was a special holiday for the Orthodox (Holiday Here,) It was interesting for me and I got kind of excited about the holiday. Then after the bell was done ringing, the sermon was done and everyone left, or so I thought.