This morning at 3 a.m., Boza and I got up to greet the beginnings of the Super Blood Moon. The moon was huge and I could read a book by it’s light. It was like standing in a fairytale and the stars winked in agreement of sheer delight at the moon’s radiance… Then at 4 […]
This is definitely worth reading and Putin is in control as always, even if the other tries a different approach… Interview: CHARLIE ROSE: This time of year, we call it Indian summer. VLADIMIR PUTIN: In Russia we call it even better. We call it Old Wives’ summer. CHARLIE ROSE: I like it much better, indeed. […]
They spray water over the ponds to help aerate and keep the fish alive during the excess heat. The last few days we have set records for temperature and when too high, it is rough on the fish crop as they try to harvest… Papa Eagle is looking over the situation as the lake is […]
Crucian Carp: *new to lake* Scientific Name: Carassius carassius Average Weight: 6oz – 1lb 8oz Average Length: 6 – 12 inches Life Span: 10 years * * * * * * * * * * Leather/Mirror Carp: Scientific Name: Cyprinus carpio Average Weight: 6 – 15 lb (2.7 kg / 6.8kg) Average Length: 18 – […]
Sometimes I cogitate back to my juvenescence. The days of yore, when the biggest consternation was whether or not you could live up to the calibre of morals that our country had set for itself. Many of us strove to obtain such lofty levels of competence. While we all perceived that we failed to do […]
Father Pavel came to do worship at the church in our village, but before he came, he sent the secondary school teacher for its English curriculum and she finally found me at my home. From where she parked I could tell she looked a long time and only found me by the neighbour gentleman telling […]
The next few days are going to be too hot to do any major work. We have been cold and almost freezing at night and now it has reversed. It is what I call Indian Summer… So therefore, this morning after doing a few chores, I took a bath and got clean clothes on and […]
They harvested the little pond across the way today. Not sure what type of carp are in that pond, but they were not big, so I think they are trying a new crops. You can see an electrician, maintenance, owner, managers and workers. All together in this image. These fish are important and they are […]
The back of the village home. Taken at almost dark last night. That is why is is grainy and almost blurry… This is the worst spot in the whole yard and home. This is what I am working on and have talked about the last few days. The left is a newer side room and […]
Years ago I noticed numbers on buildings in our tiny Russian Village. But this year, I started to look closely, for I knew what the numbers were for. You number the pieces of the building to take it apart and put it back together and move it to another spot. I know, I have done […]