I am letting the jerked fish cool and then will pack in zip lock bags. I have tried a few small pieces and it is really good. So when I get more fish, I will clean and jerky them. That way I have fish into the winter… * * * * * * * * […]
What is as big as the room and does more than just heat the room. A huge monster of a heater, stove and oven and whatever… It is a beast and is so cool. I am now seriously thinking of learning how to build something like this. The one that is real fancy is too […]
The dehydrator is full of fish and now it will take better than 24 hours to finish my jerky. This is after about four days soaking in super heavy salt brine, the outer room smells like the sea side by the way. Like that salty ocean… 😉 I started it yesterday afternoon, thus maybe by […]
This morning was wonderful. Boza and I got up at 4:30 a.m. and after a cup of coffee, pills, a banana for me and some dog food for Boza. We went walking… It was crystal clear, the sky was still full of stars and the air was so fresh, that you could feel the cleansing […]
I have moved all the precut wood that I am going to move. The rest is so bad that it is crumbling to dust, thus I will let it finish tuning to dust… Next I start stacking the wood that I am going to cut, then I will start a fourth stack on the back […]
+2 this morning… So far this is the only tunnel that I did not know about and I have a feeling that there are more. The earth under the monastery is laced with tunnels. This one goes into the yard of the Blue House and I see where the entrance or exit is. There is […]
I said I had to remember the camera and…. I forgot it. Never fear, I have my cellphone and it takes terrible images, but that is what we get… The market has clothes, food, tools and well; you name it. But they did not have winter clothes yet, thus the market was not what I […]
6 degrees this morning and foggy… All these years I have tried to keep comments going, but anything to do with comments has been a concentrated focal point for attacks. Comments are a weak point in a WordPress website and that seems to be never going to change. Thus, I am removing anything and everything […]
Or what to do with a ton of fish… Well one little guy is happy to have fish, Boza, he just loves fish heads and I will allow him to eat two of them when I get fish. He simply is the first in line and just loves the lake manager who drops fish off […]
Just a few pictures of my life at the Tiny Russian Village. The little tractor is at the Big Russian Village… They are rich there! 🙂 Post by Kyle Keeton Windows to Russia…