- The Market…
- More Market…
- New Grocery Store…
- My Blue Barrel Store…
- Another new Grocery Store……
- The Benzine Station…
I said I had to remember the camera and…. I forgot it. Never fear, I have my cellphone and it takes terrible images, but that is what we get…
The market has clothes, food, tools and well; you name it. But they did not have winter clothes yet, thus the market was not what I needed today. Though I saw several people I knew and saw lots of stuff I would like to buy. Then after the big market failed me, I went to babushka land (a little side market in the main town,) there I found everything I needed…
I found sandpaper, new pants and new socks…
I found the deal of a lifetime; two pair of pants and three pair of socks, plus sandpaper, plus a knife sharpener! All for less than a thousand rubles and with the money left over from that thousand rubles, I bought two Sasiskas (pig in the blanket) and munched away. A very happy bear, was I… 😉
The socks were Lama Wool and they are so wonderful, that next weekend, I am going back and pick up three more pair. I also am going to get two more pants, for these pants are perfect. They, like the socks are warm and comfy. Besides the price is right and the pants are Russian made…
* * * * * * * * * *
The bell in the bell tower is ringing right now as I write this, Boza is hiding and I will finish this article and take him for a walk. Boza is scared of the big bell and so will not bug me to take him out for awhile. The bell simply scares him…
Therefore, I am drinking my hot tea, writing an article and listening to the beautiful bell tower talk to the countryside as she calls for worship tonight…
Have a nice day…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…