The crane is named Ralph and is the only crane living in the small pond. Many herons live there, ducks and others, but he is the only crane. The only way I can tell is that he flies with a straight neck and the herons pull there heads in and fly with neck curled up. […]
The beauty of the Russian Village is that, life just flows. The village is all about what is important to you as an individual. Some only want the wild strawberries, some only care about the mushrooms, some only want the grasses for tea makings, some want the apples, some want the plums, some want the […]
Okay the village was not invited, just Orthodox specials and Vova threw the party for the head Monk. I was up at Vova’s place earlier in the day and he was rushing madly trying to cook a huge meal. I offered to help, but he was not up to that. I left him alone, thinking […]
I had a dog once called Peppy La Poo, she was a rat terrier and she was a smart dog. So smart that I am positive that she knew her life was short and from that she deduced that she had to make her life sweet as can be. She lived life at what seemed […]
Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Let me start by giving a brief summary of the results of the BRICS and SCO summits that took place here in Ufa. They concluded Russia’s presidency in these two influential organisations and represent a big step in developing our countries’ multifaceted cooperation. In terms of their influence […]
We tried to walk the whole old road and now I can see why they changed the road path. The old road runs right into a bog and while I found how they had drained it at one time, it no longer works and reverted back to what it was originally. I am sure that […]
The garden on the right will extend now all the way toward you as you look at the image. It will extend until just past the pile of dirt on the right. Same width, just length will be increased. The white trunk is an apple tree that has been doctored and painted with tree paint […]
Boza and I got up before 5 a.m. as we always do. I had a cup of coffee, Boza ate two packs of his dog food and we took off walking as we always do. But this morning we had company… The neighbor Nikolai was up and he joined us. I could tell he was […]
You should be worried about countries that declare Russia is the main threat and all the while throw sticks, stones and verbal abuse themselves at other countries, as if they are looking for a fight to justify their existence… Yes, you should be worried about the mental health of such a country! Do you know […]
I have twenty new bites on my arms and they itch like crazy, looks like Benadryl time, for I am starting to swell now also. The little devils are baby horseflies and probably deer flies also. For the conditions are right and they have been born to eat people alive. It will be only a […]