We walk our way, or we should…

BooksI had a dog once called Peppy La Poo, she was a rat terrier and she was a smart dog. So smart that I am positive that she knew her life was short and from that she deduced that she had to make her life sweet as can be. She lived life at what seemed to be a thousand miles an hour and she stopped for nothing. Why it was terrible, but hilarious to see; she many times would not stop to even poop, she pooped as she ran. No lie, she would leave little round balls of poop as she ran through life, as I would say, “She has a lot of living to do in a short time!”

I would have to pick up little balls on the sidewalk as she ran and ran and ran. Life was much better for me, when we lived in the country, then she had an endless bathroom… 🙂

Boza is different and he sees such acts as Peppy would pull, as barbarian, but then Boza has no idea that he has a very short life and he lives in the now, as my sidekick and he goes at my pace, it suits him and he is very happy. Peppy was never happy unless life was full speed at warp drive. Peppy was at the opposite end of the spectrum than Boza is and that is good in my life right now…

* * * * * * * * * *

This morning at 4:35 a.m. as we were walking. Boza and I saw a terrible, but exhilarating and exasperating action of nature. It was an action that made me remember my past and I realized that once I was the hunter and never would except being the hunted…

My favorite hawk, that I have put several images of on this website, has met his demise. The big momma eagle obviously saw a threat in him and today she ended that threat. It was not for food and as I have said in the past he was really too close to the eagle territory and we walk the path, we pay the price…

The huge Brown Eagle was circling way way high in the sky. Soaring as she always does and even at the height she was, she was still bigger than a sparrow on the ground next to me. She is huge and she is all business, she has a huge family and papa eagle, even keeps his distance unless called…

I was sitting on my bench I built and watching the birds, foxes, and many other creatures. When as I was watching the eagle circle all the life below, she dived, straight down, like a rocket entering the atmosphere. Now I knew she was diving to kill, I looked for Boza and he was under my feet, I looked for the fox we had seen and he was way up peeking out from the forest of pines, I watched the ducks and they were hiding in the reeds, I saw water birds and they were already flying away, then I saw her target; the white and grey hawk…

I do not have any idea at what caused the action to unfold when it did, but the hawk never saw it coming. He was fishing and hunting in his little spot and mother eagle was going to extract revenge of some kind at that moment. Maybe he bothered her child, but what ever he did, he paid the price, for I see these birds live amongst themselves and never an issue. In the sky was two other hawks and several ravens, though admittedly, they were running like hell at this point…

Today I saw the size comparison of a full grown Brown Russian Eagle and a large sized hawk. She was over twice as big as he was and when she hit him, all I saw was feathers flying in a puff-cloud and she soared upwards with powerful strokes of her wings, with a hawk in her talons and when she reached over a hundred meters in the sky, she tore out the hawks throat and let him drop like a rock into the lake…

I suspected that the above actions was related to a new nest of babies that mother eagle has. I do know that they are very territorial and maybe this type of hawk is a killer of their babies. I do not know, but it brought out my past in my mind and I sat there and thought about what I have done in the past. I learned the hard way in life to be the hunter, for being the hunted gets you killed, almost every time. Waiting to see who is hunting you is like sitting in your house as the river rises and you hope that the rain stops soon, for you will drown before long, but you hope it all works out. I am sure mister hawk hoped being so close to an eagles nest, would not upset the queen of the bird predators, but as I say, hope does not do it. Action does and the eagle did what comes naturally…

That is how I survived several interesting times of my life and I found that a intelligent, controlled, moderate aggressiveness and relentless attacking by using cogency to its fine edge, will gather you an advantage that is able to allow you to go home when many and most do not…

Reverse the situation and when retreat is necessary, follow the same rules in getting the hell out of Dodge…

You have to know when to fight and know when to run;

“He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious. – Sun Tzu”

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I sat on my bench and saw something else today; I realized that when I was in America, I was getting to the point to have to start a aggressive attack against the system. Thus, as I knew I had no support except for crazy people, the ones who would do anything as long as they felt accepted in a group, I had no life left in an America that hated her own people and wanted to control all the lives under her wings. America has become the eagle and is attacking to control her environment, which now has been pushed to encircle the planet. Therefore, America thinks it can do as it pleases and follow no ones rules but her own, as she makes them up, as she goes along…

I am not able to accept that and I realized after being jailed, harassed and harnessed many times. I had to look at life elsewhere and find peace and harmony. For peace is impossible in America, all you can hope to obtain is a lopsided against you balanced opposition and or head in the sand approach..

Neither worked for me and when a beautiful sweet girl decided to allow me into her life, I saw what I had missed in my previous life in America and took a seat on the bandwagon, as it left town to better dreams and existence…

Now I fight with this blog and it has been a war at times. America does not like what I say, neither the good about Russia, nor the derogatory about America. But, when you have seen America like I have, from the inside of a prison to the jungles of war. You come to realize that America is a facade, covering a vastness of extremely unacceptable ascendancy and deaths…

Now that is what an eagle hunting a hawk brings out…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.