Sveta hinted to me, maybe trying to dry some wild strawberries for her and her mother, to use in tea. Since Sveta will not be here in the village until way after strawberry season ends and cannot get her own. Therefore, Boza and I went out around noon today, after nailing the door shut on […]
At two a.m. I was woke from a dream and I was dreaming about a small boy who had climbed the bell tower in the village and was ringing the bell. It was olden days and he was ringing the bell out of fear. Fear of being murdered as some of his friends and staff […]
I have been saying for years right here on this blog, “Look in the mirror!” I have said it a hundred times with the actions I see coming out of the USA… I will say it again, “Look in the mirror!” Stand there and stare in the mirror and see what needs to be fixed […]
I finally caught a pretty fair image of Mr. Hawk or is it a, “Mrs. hawk?” All I know is that it lives alone for right now and I have not see another like it anywhere near by. We have dozen of other types of smaller hawks and at least seven huge Brown Russian Eagles, […]
Whether it is true or propaganda to push agendas. The west is coming apart at the seams and it looks to be very “Wild West” and “O.K. Corral” as appetizers for all. Either way it is wrong and sad… Have a good time as you look over your shoulder to see who is getting ready […]
The garden is very usable and I eat from it constantly. The onions just keep multiplying and I seem to never run out of them for salad and cooking. The beets are doing great and I pulled the last of the thinning beets and had nice marble sized beets on them. They, plus onions and […]
Townsend and Sade’s Doctrines Rule the World – by John Stanton “The citizens whose lives are split between business and private life, their private life between ostentation and intimacy, their intimacy between the sullen community of marriage and the bitter solace of being entirely alone, at odds with themselves and with everyone, are virtually already […]
Strawberries everywhere. I am the first, because they are ripe early… Just miles of them, I mean just miles of them. I guess I will leave some for the rest of the people… 🙂 Delicious and Boza and I will make one last run tomorrow morning early and get a two day supply. That will […]
I rebuilt the roof on the outhouse and the mud and storage room of the village home. Then I wondered if they would leak or not? I got my answer after two days or torrential downpour, I do not have any leaks. That is a good thing and sets my mind at ease about the […]
Lunch was great and unexpected. Vova came down and got me to eat lunch with him. He was in the mood to have company and I was in the mood to oblige. Rabbit stew, fresh salad from his garden and salt mushrooms that he did himself. I have to say that it was perfect… Vova […]